Processing times are posted and the latest date is March 15th 2007.

Processing date

This only means someone with RD of March 15, 2007 won the EB GC lottery! Nothing else. All the persons with older RD have to wait for their lucky day:D
when ever they mention the dates, it indicates that; cases to that date were assigned to officer for adjudication. Best example is from our members who took infopass recently & enquired, no change in LUD's, but some one is working at TSC

If our case is assigned to a person who is consistant in irregularity to work, we will be hanging till he returns from sweet vacation. My unserstanding is it's a good sign for the folks who were transfered before 15th March. We will see some light in the near future.

Processing times are posted and the latest date is March 15th 2007.

According to them is all approvable cases till this date are appproved and those which are pending meaning either they need more information or waiting for some other agency(FBI) results.
I am not sure wether this gives any good news for us or not.

What an absolute crock of bull with a side of horse.
Ridiculous. Interestingly March 15th is when I guess another major batch of VSC transfers happened, self included.
I called TSC on Friday. Here's how the conversation went down...

Lady: Texas Service Center, receipt number please.
Me: E-A-C...
Lady: Sir, what can I do for you.
Me: Well, my Senator's office suggested I contact you because they informed me that my name check was cleared and sent back to the USCIS on...
Lady: Sir, I cannot give you any case status information. I am not authorized to do so.
Me: Yes, I am aware of this, and I apologize for taking up your time, but..
Lady: Sir, I cannot give you any case status information. You need to call the National Customer Service Center.

Definitely put the "cus" in customer service.
these dates don't make any sense. How come I-765 and I-129 dates are now Dec 15 2006. Ridiculous. I stopped looking at these dates more than a year ago