Processing Delayed ...... Anthrax at NSC...

Pad 2001

Processing delayed at NSC and VSC.... news below:

Updated 10/15/01: Anticipated Processing Delays as Affected by Anthrax Scare

We have a very sad news that VSC received a mail with an unknown power on it in the mailroom. Even though the preliminary test is reportedly negative, its mailroom is closed. So is the NSC mailroom. This reporter cannot find a word to describe the sadness.
CNN story

Here is the entire CNN story

(see ):

• The Immigration and Naturalization Service shut down mail processing at all of its offices Monday after suspicious packages were received at two INS facilities, the agency said. Three mailroom workers at a Burlington, Vermont, facility were taken to a hospital as a precaution after a powdery substance fell out of a small Fed-Ex package. Preliminary tests on the package and a letter received two days earlier were "inconclusive," the agency said. A hazardous materials team was called to a Providence, Rhode Island, facility to investigate a suspicious package from the United Arab Emirates.