Problem with Birth certificate


New Member
      My birth date is by mistake noted different during my schooling, And when we came to know abt it in India , it was too late, because I already had my passport from my
    school certificates. And changing all the way to back was not possible, because at that time my primary school was shut down. Now I am stuck up with the different dates in
    my passport and Birth certificate,
    Hence my passport, visa, Degree certificate, school leaving -- all these records has one date and my birth certificate has different date. One option was to get the
    Non-Availibilty plus two affidavit from India, But, my city municipal is not giving Non-Availibility certificate, because, they knew that my birth is registered (on different date than
    registered in my schooling!!). I am really confused, what should I do.? I have never used my original birth certificate for any purpose, because, it created always problems. Till
    now school leaving was used as a substitute for any paper work. But for I-485, its required to submit the Original Birth certificate, Or/otherwise Non Availibility certificate . My
    original BC date will not match with any of my BC records in usa, and Indian government is not giving me Non-Availibilty certificate?. What Should I do.? Any help is greatly

You should, at any cost, try to get the non-availability certificate + 2 Birth Affidavits

That\'s the best option that you have. That way it matches everyone of your record.
If possible, go to your home country and get the non-availability certificate. Birth affidavits is no big deal.