Problem In India, Pls Help!!!


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I would say use gunda giri against those people too. First get your mother here. Go there and hire some con-men to feed terror to them. I don't think it would work if you approach Govt. in this. One of my friends has a plot like this in Hyderabad and he lost in the similar way to local gundas because he approached officials in this.
Hi peekayem

I am sorry hear about your father. But I don't understand that what's the reason you both couldn't visit your mom in such a bad time. You can make a complain to National Human Rights Commission, New - Delhi. As I worked there I know they can look into your problem, but they really work for needy person, they don't work as a court.
Please visit your mom and don't let her struggle there for the disputed property, which you are going to give to your children.
Here is her address

Banerjee, Shrimati Mamata
30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street, Calcutta-26 (W.B.)
Phone :-- 033-4753000
Try and call her and see what happens.

Frankly, This is a complicated mess, and we have been thru. it several times. If you are not politically connected, it might be very hard to get help. I would suggest you going there as your mother must be having a very hard time.
Re: Hi peekayem

Originally posted by delhiwala
I am sorry hear about your father. But I don't understand that what's the reason you both couldn't visit your mom in such a bad time. You can make a complain to National Human Rights Commission, New - Delhi. As I worked there I know they can look into your problem, but they really work for needy person, they don't work as a court.
Please visit your mom and don't let her struggle there for the disputed property, which you are going to give to your children.
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Originally posted by sai-2367
Here is her address

Banerjee, Shrimati Mamata
30-B, Harish Chatterjee Street, Calcutta-26 (W.B.)
Phone :-- 033-4753000
Try and call her and see what happens.

Frankly, This is a complicated mess, and we have been thru. it several times. If you are not politically connected, it might be very hard to get help. I would suggest you going there as your mother must be having a very hard time.
sai-2367, thanks for all of your help, we would like to expose that police is politically motivated to act against a just cause.
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Hi peekayem

Just write a simple application, explaining the situation and send it to Chairman, National Human Rights Commission, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Parliament Street, New - Delhi. It should be from your Mom side. Also mention in it if you have any problem with your local authoruty or police. They will take care of it. There is no harm in writing to them and mean time you can persue this matter legally. But be careful when you make a complaint about any local authority or police, as NHRC will be very tough on them once they start to take action on it.
Best of luck.
I hope everything work out for you, and I am very sorry to hear about your father, may god give strength to your mother.
Re: Hi peekayem

Originally posted by delhiwala
Just write a simple application, explaining the situation and send it to Chairman, National Human Rights Commission, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Parliament Street, New - Delhi. It should be from your Mom side. Also mention in it if you have any problem with your local authoruty or police. They will take care of it. There is no harm in writing to them and mean time you can persue this matter legally. But be careful when you make a complaint about any local authority or police, as NHRC will be very tough on them once they start to take action on it.
Best of luck.
Thanks delhiwala .. when I even think of the situation over here; where one has to just dial 911; and over there when after talking personally to the Police Comm and getting assurance of immediate steps!!! ..... MERA BHARAT MAHAN!!
I think the only way you can be safe in a situation like this is to find some connection to the CPM party (friend of a friend of a uncle's cousin's ... etc ) and make a donation to a local MLA or councillor or something. Any other way the problem will never end. The goondas are basically hired by the promoter. They answer to the political party, not police or human rights commissions.

kinda reinforces the reasons for immigrating here .....
Originally posted by waytoolong
I think the only way you can be safe in a situation like this is to find some connection to the CPM party (friend of a friend of a uncle's cousin's ... etc ) and make a donation to a local MLA or councillor or something. Any other way the problem will never end. The goondas are basically hired by the promoter. They answer to the political party, not police or human rights commissions.

kinda reinforces the reasons for immigrating here .....
Hi waytoolong,
that's what I'm thinking of doing also and trying to estb that connection thru my cousin. If this can happen in a posh locality in South Calcutta, I dare not think about the suburbs, or the interiors!! God help them.
you need to register your complaints with local police station time to time and keep with you the proof in writing and show your grivence in writing as proof to the court so that court can give you right injunction which will support your additonal efforts of contacting CM and all. Unless you have court orders in your favor , I do not think any one in politics as well as commissionar can be of your help. Make sure they do not manage court . If you have correct complaint papers alongwith life threat you are done in the court in your favor and this will be definately establish support at all levels. It may be little bit hassal of court but if you think that you have all the required paper work with you then you will win this game.
Originally posted by kash777
you need to register your complaints with local police station time to time and keep with you the proof in writing and show your grivence in writing as proof to the court so that court can give you right injunction which will support your additonal efforts of contacting CM and all. Unless you have court orders in your favor , I do not think any one in politics as well as commissionar can be of your help. Make sure they do not manage court . If you have correct complaint papers alongwith life threat you are done in the court in your favor and this will be definately establish support at all levels. It may be little bit hassal of court but if you think that you have all the required paper work with you then you will win this game.
kash777, we already had an order from magistrate for Sec144 (no more than 5 people can assemble at that spot) and keeping copies of complaint (FIR) to Local PS. Are there any newspapers pub. from here that one know of which NRIs read?
I am not sure why you are going thru newspaper publication when you have order from magistrate and if still they come to force you , you can go back to the magistrate in writing that inspite of injunction order they have come to your place . Magistrate will issue another order to put those guys under final warning / or in jail if they violate status co order . It is big offence and vioaltion of staus co order . and they will have to obey that . Even CM/PM will have to obey this order . But then you will have to prove in the court by pictures of those guys came to your place or by way of real witness . You can even show some personal injury caused by them while forcing you or your care takers in India .
1: Original message reads

both me and my brother are in US - my dad passed away last Nov - we could not go due to work and other related matters - my mother is there alone

Answer: You and your brother is not a human being. No one can measure the efforts of your parents and their sacrifices on you guys to brought up to this level. Your father died in last november and he was buried (i don't know the exact word) as an orphan.

Now you guys are sitting here and enjoying your american life and asking help from others to care of ur property N O T E: You guys are asking this help only for the property and not for your mother. You guys are money minded and inhuman in your behaviours.

I was planning to go there and bring her in around end-Oct (if the 485 approval comes in and PP being stamped)

You guys care more for the i485 approval than your mother.
I don't think u guys will take care well if she comes to USA.

When she was alone next to your fathers body and crying, u guys are busy with your work and other activities. Is it the way to return your feeling to your parents.?

This is one of the worst day for your mother. Those who are really wants to care of their mother at this time, will present there and connsole their sorrows.

My grandfather built the house, it was very dear to my father, we were born and grew up in it ... all these are very precious sentiments to us. An outsider just coming in and asking for it .. its so hard to just accept that fact!

When your father died you guys are not there. Is this property have more sentiments than your father. Hope you guys played with him a lot when u are a child. Just recollect those days when u and your brother were sitting next to your father in that house and he was telling you the stories, feeding you the food , sleeping on his chest , helping you to study, giving you the money u wanted to spent with ur friends , travelling with u to various places, take u to temples, churces and mosques.

He died and was alone in that house and buried alone without his children. He is gone now. Why do you need that house now.

When you guys don't show up your sentiments to your father's body or to your mother sorrows , what is the use having sentiments on that property.

Finally, I am having some interest on this property. If i come to know the location, i will use all my political power to grab that house with the least amount of money. Why you know....

1. Father died
2. only a lady living there and she has no support from their own sons
3. When father died his sons didn't come there.

As a normal Indian human being......every one want to grab that house at a least cost.

I feel very sorry for your mother having children like you.
God Bless Wow GC ...

God Bless Wow GC ..
this is a perfect example of "Free Speech" without knowing the actual story and drawing decisive conclusions from a few lines of online msgs!! You've been a real friend!! Again ..
God Bless You!
Re: God Bless Wow GC ...

Originally posted by peekayem
God Bless Wow GC ..
this is a perfect example of "Free Speech" without knowing the actual story and drawing decisive conclusions from a few lines of online msgs!! You've been a real friend!! Again ..
God Bless You!

What wrong did Wow GC say? Isn't it your duty to be with your old mother in hard times after your father than caring about your job and money etc? Read your own message, it brings all those emotions to me thinking that how differently I would react if it would have happened to me. I am truely sorry on your shameful and selfish thoughts... that how anyone who born and brought up in India could think like this. Still you know what, your mother must be thinking about not of your property but your and your familiy's goodwill... My eyes are timid and my heart is pumping thinking that what if that would have been my mom. God bless your mom....!!!!

wowgc is 100% right. When i read Peekayem's first post, i was amazed that this type of people(peekayem brothers) exist in this world. Their dad died last November and neither of them visited thier mother even after 10 months. One can understand if one can not make a journey at a short notice due to some strong reasons. But no reasons can justify two people not making one single trip to their motherland to see their father's body one last time and/or to console their mother.
No father or mother will want such children.
Whatever problems you might have. How come even after a year you are not able make a visit. I pray God and wish one of your children do the same thing to you both @@@@@@@@.

Shove all your money and property and GC you earned here. You might have guessed where? Crying about a house which you are not even built.