Private schools V/S Public Schools


My kid is still small but still I want to start planning for the future. Does anybody have a fairly good idea about the quality of education in Private schools vis-a-vis Public schools. I know Pvt schools are expensive, I guess 600-700 dollars a month or so but is there a huge difference in the quality of education between them ?

Whenever I read a post about buying house etc. people always look for a good schooling district - Is that Public schooling system you guys talk about or do you even consider Private schooling ?

I am very concerned about the quality of schooling in US. I see kids getting into sex, drugs etc. a lot more here than enywhere else. Is that more common among Public School kids only ?

Also, are academic achievements from Pvt schools better than Public schools ?

Please throw some light on this subject.
Dont quote me

I don’t have kids. But I am surrounded by people who have brats jk
Also I have a friend who is a teacher in a school. Based on what they said you don’t actually get what you pay for. Its not always (actually mostly) that you get a good school. You have to really research to find if the private school is actually worth the money. Public schools may provide what your kid requires unless you plan to return to India. Public schools lag a little when compared to Indian schools. If you are from another country you have to rate your system against the public education system. There are public schools that cost >$ 1200 per month whereas public schools are FREE… I repeat FREE! If you put the money you'd spend on tuition in an account, it might be enough to pay your kids education, a Porsche and a condo!

Public schools are much larger with good facilities (from what I have heard). Yes you might need to spend time with your kid in their initial schooling phase like reading/writing. If you cannot spend the time you might want a private school. But if I were you, I'd lean towards spending time with kids. Most people I work with and all people I know who grew up here (Indian Americans) went to public schools. They seem to have been to good schools (Ivy) and are doing pretty good. Much of how your kids turn up is in your hands. Spend more quality time with your kids and they'll be fine. You cant worry about somethings. Personally I don’t think your concerns are only in public schools. I would think that rich kids have more access to a lot of things. I don’t know about how snobby the kids in these schools are either. I think I read some articles on Sulekha or one of the Indian magazines that there isnt much diversity in schools that are expensive. Also please look into 529 plans if you havent already.

All that I've said is based on what I have heard (and continue to hear). Since I don’t have first hand knowledge maybe some people with kids can throw some light.
good school district..

is generally an area with good public schools..

One of the main reasons why people look for houses in good school district is b'coz there is no problem when you think of selling your house. Also the fact that if you have kids, it makes sense.

not much idea otherwise..Have no kids as of yet, didn't think about the schools very much.

Thanks Roma

Good site. Good help. Also thanks for your "Luv". My sweet heart was the only other girl in my life who sent me that. I like your sweet name (should add 'antic' to Roma) and your Luving style. JK.
Dividing on Private/Public is very macro level. There may be getter public schools than many bad private school sin a region.

So, see what school is good. See if it is private/public. If there are 2 good schools one private and the other public ? what would you do. Better opt for Public.

Even if we send the child to a 'BEST' school, he should be able to grasp. IF the child is poor.. we cannot help much.

I know many people argue in favor of Private schools are sending to them because of Day Care. Private Schools offer day care for siblings at discounted price. In over all it works out to be th esame cost. Atleast they can say in parties that they are sending to privates.

Also in private scholls, people are rich. They talk and do rich things - summer camps, Disneys, gifts, gadgets, personal play rooms etc. Your kid then wants those 'rich' things. Consider this too.