Previous H1s for CP - need help!


Registered Users (C)
Hi Gurus,

Please clarify whether the following situation of my H1 will create any problem during CP interview:
Received H1 approval notice of Company A in March xxxx, and got H1 visa stamping in Chennai, in April xxxx.
Subsequently , received H1 approval notice from Company B in May xxxx.
Liked the Company B, better and so landed in US in May xxxx, and stated working for Company B on the basis of valid H1, which was with me.
I worked for the Company for almost 2 years without any problem and moved on to Company C (my present company) with H1 transfer.
My H1 validity is still there, with H1 stamping on my passport.

With above back ground I will be going for CP interview. Gurus I need your opinion and advice.

As you have valid H1B for all the company's you mentioned, you should not face any problem, just carry all your approved H1B's to CP interview, it should be fine.
