Prakash Krishnaprasad - Approved on June 21st

prakash krishnaprasad

Registered Users (C)
Hello All,

Self & Spouse Approved on June 21st, 2002. Details :

PD : 6/26/2000
Labor : 8/15/2000
I140 : 5/10/2001
RD : 7/2/2001
ND : 8/17/2001
FP : 12/28/2001
AD : 6/21/2002

Category : EB2/RIR
Country : India

NO RFE. Called IIO once in May 1st week & the answer was SOS (Same Old S&*t) .. wait for 30-45 days & call back. Was almost getting ready to do so.

To all of my companions, fellow surfers, sufferers, 485 waiters .. yours is next. Don\'t loose your patience. I was getting too frustrated, especially after the FP. This board was my only hope. I was one of the silent surfers, posting messages only at times.

My thanks to Mr. Khanna & Co. for maintaining this site & bringing us all together. This place is like an Immigration encyclopedia with answers to virtually all kinds of intricate Immigration issues.

Last, but not the least .. this website is being used by the likes of habib/habib1, ShanthanuB, fkindian, fkindiangal to spread venom & hatred. Please stay focussed & remember what your are here for. We\'re all sufferers. Don\'t try to aggravate it. If you can\'t help, then stay away.

Wish you all the best & God Bless
hearty congrats

Hearty congrats. My RD, ND, FP dates are similar to yours. I am still waiting after sending reply to RFE. Happy to know that your case is approved. Good luck to you
prakash krishnaprasad...

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