PP Stamping Experience in Detroit


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We got our passports stamped on Friday last week. I took a day off from work. We got there at about 11:30AM and were out before noon. The security guy at the entrance directed us to the counter to drop the approval letters. We did that and surprisingly enough, there weren\'t any waiting letters already in the basket. The letters were picked up by an old lady within a few minutes. We were then called by our names. She stamped the passports and took our EADs, APs and the photoes. She then put the photographs, EADs and APs, all in the same envelope and stapled it together with the approval notice. She then had us sign a form and place our finger impressions on the same form. She attahed that form to the approval notice as well. The whole process was pretty smooth and lady was very nice. She gave us change of address forms, just incase if we decide to move.

Good luck to all.
HOw long did you have to wait?

How long did it take between the transfer of the case and the interview?

It wasn\'t a transfer case. I just went to get my passport stamped after the I485 approval.

Qs about photos

Hi, JavedG:

Do they require new photos taken for the Passport stamp?
What documents do you take with you?

Thanks for your input.
can you please tell me your COA c ode

on your 1-485 approval notice. I have run into some problems with passport stamping and I think the code on my approval notice "N" is the cause. Thanks for your help.
Re: Qs about photos

Yes, they do require 2 (or 3, I don\'t remember) photos. I went to the place accross the street from Detroit INS building. They charge reasonable price and they know what they are doing.

For the documents, I took all I-94, EADs, and APs. Thats about it.
??? for JAVED G, here on this board MUAMARJANA is worried of COA CODE which is on I 485 approval not

Could U please post your COA code on your approval here, the COA code will be on the right side below the subject matter. Since his stamping could not take place by INS, he is little worried.

Early reply appreciated.
I am at work right now, and I don\'t have the approval on me at the moment. When I go home I will ta
