PP stamped at INS San Francisco on 7/20


Registered Users (C)
We got our PPs stamped yesterday, on 7/20/01, at INS San Francisco office. The whole process was very straight forward and took about an hour and half from start to finish.

I\'d like to highlight few points about our stamping experience:

1. You can find nearby parking that ranges from $15 to $20 flat or $2.5 to $5 per 20 min. You may be lucky if you can find metered parking.

2. Enter in Sansome street entrance of INS (Don\'t get confused by longer line for the Washington street entrance)

3. Don\'t bother to explain the security guard at Sansome Street entrance why you are there for. He does not know and care about that, all he cares about is that you are not carrying anything alarming.

4. Take elevator and reach the 2nd floor. You will see room 200B on the right side as you enter the INS office.

5. Slip your approval notices through the slot in the door of room 200B. Do not expect that you will be called in the any particular order. This shows how randomly INS might be processing applications.

6. You will be called on a counter, the clerk will collect Approval notices, Passports, APs, EADs and Photos. He also requires your finger prints and signatures.

7. You will be called again and will be provided with your stamped passports and THAT IS IT!!.

Though I have posted my details earlier, here it is again:

ID: 2/20/01
ND: 3/16
FL: 4/12(scheduled on 4/24/01)
PA: 5/18
AD: 5/21
AD: 7/16

ciba, could you please add me in plastic card tracking list?

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge that this discussion board has been an excellent source of information for any predictions in this INS world of unpredictability. I don\'t think we have words for ciba\'s efforts. But, ciba, you have surely become a household name in the world of GC aspirants in California.

I may not visit this board any more, but I wish you guys all the very best.

God bless you.
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Hi caone,

What time did you go and how long did it take for the whole processing?
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Which the local INS for you, SFO or San Jose, you are supposed to do stamping? Thanks.

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Thanks a lot! This is another valuable piece that should be added to Ciba\'s "Personal Experience" page.

Question: What\'s PA and why do you have two ADs?
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YOur info has been added to the plastic card waiting list. You
have to come back and visit this site, at least to update your
case when your card is received. :)

Henry, I corrected those confusing abreviations (caone must have
used spelling check to post the message). Go to Personal
Experiences section for the "corrected version".
