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Poverty and Affidavit of Support

cheers mate

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Hi guys,

I am slightly confused as to what I have to show financially at my upcoming interview in London.

My bank account does not have $10000 in it, but I have access to that money through friends that owe me, and business investments... I also have over $6000 worth of shares with eTrade. But my questions are:

- What do I need to present at my interview? 1 Bank statement?
- If someone deposits more than $15000 in my account, will that be sufficient?
- Should I think about looking for someone to fill out an Affidavit of Support on my behalf?
- Will they accept an internet printout of my shares, or do they need to see certificates?

Like I said, if its a matter of depositing money into my account, I can place over $15000 no problem... But I don't want to look like I am trying to con them at the interview...

It has been really difficult finding out all the necessary information for this specific point on the net...

Any help on this matter would be appreciated,

On a side note, I approached an Immigration Attorney in London and explained I had a few questions about this subject.... She said it was going to cost at least £750-1000....

Thats all you have to do and to take the Bank statement that you have all that money on the account.
In Zimbabwe, if I put the money in the bank, it is hard or impossible for me to take it out. I can't open a foreign bank account, since it's illegal here. So, I keep it in cash and I have asked my brother to keep some of my cash, which I will get in through money orders. I am not sure how to handle it during the interview though.
... I am not sure how to handle it during the interview though.

I understand that, some time ago we had alike situation here.
I think that the best for you would be to contact USA embassy where your interview is gonna take place and they should tell you how to prove your own sponsorship.
They know the situation in Zimbabwe so they must have a reasonable solution prepared for that situation.

Best wishes mate:)
you have to provide Bank statement that you have enough money on your account according to Poverty Guidelines (125% amount according to number of family members) , also if you have fixed assets you can evaluate it and provide it with your bank statment , i provided banking statment with my fixed assets it helped to get my visa , because they have to insure that you can support your self when you go to USA and not become with wellfiare system

good luck
What if i don't have sufficient fund, do not have a sponsor, and do not have a job in US? Any way to overcome this? Can i get a job before i go to US if i have a green card? Please tell me what to do thanks you!!!!! :)
What if i borrow it from my parents, and put it in the bank and print it out, to show i have 10000usd in my personal bank account, would that be fine? Would they ask me how did i get the money and stuff? or just show them how much i have in my bank statement would do?
You can borrow it from your parents, but place the money early there, otherwise it could look suspicious.
How soon i need to put in the money before interview? what if it looks suspicious to the officer? What would they ask or check?
Hi guys,

I think you guys from London ? Need some help.

I am going to face interview 3rd week of February in London. I don't have enough money just £10,000, but I can show my property here in UK, is'nt that enough ? I may not able to get Affidevit Support. If I deposit extra money in a bulk this week would it arise any question mark on Interview ? If so, what would be the best answer ?

how long will be valid a police report ? I made one last June ? do I need recent one?