possibility of applying visa for third time, if ealier two are rejected ?


New Member
I am an Indian, doing PhD in Germany for the last three years. I applied for a visa, recently, to attend a scientific conference in the US (May 10-15), but it was rejected on the grounds that I don’t have strong economic or family ties with the residing country (Germany), because my German visa is going to expire very soon (May 20). I am planning to forward my visa application for the second time, again from Germany, because lately I got a good supporting letter from the conference organizers in the US. However, I am not sure whether or not they will accept my visa application at least this time.

I came to know that, if the visa is consecutively rejected for two times, it is not possible to apply for the third time until next one year. Is this a fact? Because in the near future (may be in the next two to three months) I want to go to the US for my further studies, which I would like to apply (visa) from my home country (India). Please let me know whether or not it is possible to apply for the visa for the third time with in a span of one year, if the earlier two are consecutively rejected.

Please comment.
Best regards, vj
From my past experiences with friends and family , this is what I understood.

Whenever you reappear , you need to have some change in your documentaion , Such as a supporting letter in your case...or a differnt I-20 ....Basically they look for an "improvement".
Which is available in your case.

And coming to your 3rd visit ..... I know a couple of guys who werent allowed into the consulate , but they were allowed to use the drop box and they would call you in person for an interview if they have any questions. Else they'll decide to issue a visa or a hat-trick.

Good Luck!

-Mark Andy