Police Certificate of No Criminal Conviction


New Member
Dear All, I am sponsoring my parents who are living in Hong Kong to come to the US. As part of the DS-260 process, they need to obtain police certificate through HK Police. They are telling them they need a letter from the HK US Consulate stating their names and reason for obtaining said certificate along with a return postal address where the certificate will be sent. I have inquired with multiple people and the HK US Consulate, they have vehemently insisted that they have a mutual understanding with the HK Police department and that no letters are required, a printout of the NVC letter notifying them of their initial approval of immigrant petition was adequate.
They have now shown up at the HK Police department twice with that NVC letter in hand and was turned away by the authorities empty handed. We are at an impasse here. Does anyone know or have successfully navigated this issue and would love to learn from you.
Thank you