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Police certificate from Kosovo


Registered Users (C)
Me and my wife passed interview in Belgrade embassy and it was easy but they found that I am missing police certificate from the time when I was student in Prishtina,Kosovo.
I tryed to explain that is very hard to get document like that from there but they keep our passports in embassy and told me when I get that I will get visa.
My question for you guys is there anyone from Prishtine who knows who and were to get that document?
It's really urgent!!


Me and my wife passed interview in Belgrade embassy and it was easy but they found that I am missing police certificate from the time when I was student in Prishtina,Kosovo.
I tryed to explain that is very hard to get document like that from there but they keep our passports in embassy and told me when I get that I will get visa.
My question for you guys is there anyone from Prishtine who knows who and were to get that document?
It's really urgent!!


My dear, I from Kosovo, Let me know where you from, and at what time you was on Kosovo?
My wife is also the DV winner and we got the police certificate from UNMIK (United Interim Mision In Kosovo) near Fushë Kosova (Kosovo polje).
I am from Kraljevo and I was in Prishtina from 1997 until 1999 and after that my faculty was in Leposavic.
Do you have any address or phone number and name of that UNMIK near Fushe Kosova.
I got some people who are trying to help me with that who are in Prishtina but we just heard that the only place to get that is municipal court(opstinski sud) Prishtina.
I can call you or mail you A.S.A.P.



I am from Kraljevo and I was in Prishtina from 1997 until 1999 and after that my faculty was in Leposavic.
Do you have any address or phone number and name of that UNMIK near Fushe Kosova.
I got some people who are trying to help me with that who are in Prishtina but we just heard that the only place to get that is municipal court(opstinski sud) Prishtina.
I can call you or mail you A.S.A.P.


Well let us write in your native language (sory for others in this moment)
Trudi cu se od ponedeljka da vam posaljem broj telefona UNMIK-a iz Kosovo polje, posto samo oni daju takvu potvrdu (policijsku) cija je validna, a za sudsko uverenje, pa mislim trudi se nadjes nekoga is Gracanice da vam pomogne, i zato mozda (kazem mozda) mogu da ti nadjem neki broj telefona...

naziv institucije

Koji je naziv institucije gde ste izvadili to uverenje?Da li je to opstinski sud ili UNMIK police alpha camp. Alpha camp sam dobio u ambasadi kao nesto gde mogu da trazim,medjutim kada sam zvao rekli su mi da oni to ne izdaju.

Koji je naziv institucije gde ste izvadili to uverenje?Da li je to opstinski sud ili UNMIK police alpha camp. Alpha camp sam dobio u ambasadi kao nesto gde mogu da trazim,medjutim kada sam zvao rekli su mi da oni to ne izdaju.

U pravu si, to ja Camp UNMIK-a (UNMIK-international Police skraceno IPO)kod Kosovo Polja koja izdaja policijsko uverenje to traje 7 dana (nedlju dana ) traje zbog toga sto UNMIK uverava izmedju INterpola

Koji je naziv institucije gde ste izvadili to uverenje?Da li je to opstinski sud ili UNMIK police alpha camp. Alpha camp sam dobio u ambasadi kao nesto gde mogu da trazim,medjutim kada sam zvao rekli su mi da oni to ne izdaju.

Me again
The number of the phone +38138504604-5851
calling from Kraljevo I think you may call 038504604 than you will hear the recordet operator, after you will dial 5851, there is an International Officer from Philipine (very nice one) who will explain all what you need and I am 99 % percent sure that after a week you will get the police record.
Can you tell me what the atorney of the consull asked in interview (sta i o cemo su vam pitali na intervju)
Hvala Puno

Razgovarao sam sa ljudima koji su za to zaduzeni i mislim da cu uspeti to da sredim i hvala vam jer ste mi puno pomogli. Samo sam 3 dana trazio broj telefona i izgubio dosta vremena.
Sto se tice razgovora u ambasadi prvo sam isao kod sluzbenika na salter koji je pogledao dokumenta i postavio par opstih pitanja tipa da li ce stvarno osoba koja je poslala garancije da mi pomogne,gde cemo da idemo.
On mi je i rekao da ce mi verovatno trebati policijska potvrda iz vremena kada sam studirao dole ali me je pustio dalje.Posle cekanja od jedno 2 sata prozvali su me da platim i rekli da ce uskoro razgovor kod konzula.Onda je dosao i taj trenutak i bili smo u kabini sa zamenikom konzula.Bio je vrlo ljubazan i pitao je gde idemo,sta cemo da radimo,sta smo radili prethodnih godina u americi(ja sam bio prethodnih 5 godina na letnjem radu a supruga 2 godine),trazio nam je slike sa svadbe posto je bila pre par meseci,potpisali smo papire i onda nam je rekao da postoji mali problem a to je ta potvrda.
Pasosi su ostali u ambasadi i rekao je da kada to nabavim i odnesem u ambasadu da cemo dobiti vize.