Pls Help - Really Scared now


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Hi Everyone,

Anyone who replies, I appreciate you doing so and thank you.

Here is my situation

1. I got my GC in Spt of 2000 so I am applying for my citizenship in June of this year. Just today i started reading about traffic offenses and I only have 1 or so speeding tickets on my name and I was stopped for possible DUI offence in DC of 2003. I was taking tot he station and given a breatleyser where my BAC was only .03 which was legal in VA but somehow due to DC zero tolenrence rule illegal. Anyway my lawer and I went to court, plead not guilty and since I was a first time offender, I had to take a Diversion Class (Even the instructor told me I shouldn't be in there) and after that all charges were dropped. I don't have a record anywhere even in DC, its justs says I went to Diversion I believe.

I have all the papers in a file and was wondering if such an event would hinder me in the US giving me my citizenship or not? What should I put in the section for Behavior??? I know I will meet an immigration lawyer, maybe Rajiv Khanna (We both share the same last name) so I know what to do.

My other question was this. I am going out with this girl for almost 2 years and we both loves each other alot. She is from the country Georgia and is on a 2 year contract with the World Bank. Her contract is expiring soon and we are trying to find jobs for her but it is really hard right now. Is there anything I can do for her as a Green Card Holder???? Or should I wait to become a citizen...

Thanks for all the help I appreciate it.

Kunal Khanna
Tbilisi rules!

Did you know that Georgian president Ssakashvili had abolished traffic police in his country about a year ago? Why not move to Georgia?
Ok but any advice about my DUI question.....All charges were dropped could this affect me from getting my citizenship ??? Pls help
Hi everyone....

...quick question: I got a DUI last year in New Jersey, and I was, unfortunately, guilty. I paid the fines, took public transportation for the duration of my license suspension, and have now got my license back - I'm certainly not proud of what I did, but am glad that it taught me a good lesson. Anyway, I'll be applying for my citizenship in November of this year - due to my upcoming wedding, I can't postpone my citizenship application. Any thoughts on the consequences this will have on my application? I am, by no stretch of the imagination, a habitual drunkard - was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, having been immensely stupid by climbing into my car. I'm a physician by profession (I know, I know - you all probably want to stone me at this point). In the past 5 years or so, I've had a couple of speeding tickets, but the DUI, understandably, is the thing I'm worried about.

This is my first time on this forum, so I hope someone can shed some light on my situation. Thanks. :(
Where do you practice, I will try to avoid your clinic...

Now seriously,

1. Search under DUI in this form, there maybe a number of people that posted their experiences.
2. You may have to demonstrate that you are not a habitual drunkard. Show that you took classes or something of the sort. Maybe letter of recommendations from whereever you work can help.
3. See also the article mentioned/posted on the thread discussing Seattle. It indicates that minor offensec are not of a concern (i.e. the speeding). However, you will have to sweat a little with respect ot the DUI,

In short,
You need to establish moral character and there are multiple ways to do this. The more supporting documents you come with the better. (i.e. recommendations, defensive classes, etc.

Finally, do not repeat this or any other offense...

Good luck,

Thanks for the encouraging advice, Yalag.....

...I've been a very good boy since all this happened - not that I was a hoodlum before or anything, but getting stopped by the cops and taken to the station has a dramatic effect on one's life, to say the least! Also, I DID attend a class, and am actually on quite good terms with the people who organize the official NJ state intoxicated drivers education program, so perhaps I'll get a letter from them - can't hurt, right?

And by the may be hard to believe, but I'm quite a good doctor - just one that made a damn big mistake! :rolleyes: So stop by and see me for some free medical advice if you ever swing by NJ! :D And no, PLEASE don't bring any liquid entertainment with you.....!

Thanks again, and good luck to you and all others on this forum!