pls help me :parents visa got rejected


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My parents interview held on 16 and their visa got rejected.I don't know why.They were well prepared.

The officer asked a few questions.
1.What is your son-in-law doing?
2.How many daughters do you have?
3.what are they doing?
For the third one my father told they are studying
So he asked where,My father told here in india only.
Immediately he told we can't give u visa,according to 214b.But i don't know what is exact reason.Could anyone find any wrong in these answers.

Now i am thinking to reapply.But we took this date in english.Can I change it to native language and apply again.Do i have to fill appointmentforms again with native language chosen.And do i have to cancel my old appoint or it is automatically removed from system.

When can i apply again.In the website they are saying we can apply after 3 working days but if the papers are same and all then no use.I don't know what to do?If I reapply again with my native language will it be a reason for refusal again.

Pls help me
I am sorry about the rejection. My parents visa was also denied recently. They should be able to re-apply but you still need to take an appointment for them again at You can choose the language for the appointment to be your native tongue.