Please send e-mails and fax to INS


Registered Users (C)
I am sure I am not the only one waiting for more than a year after filing my 485 and watching in sheer disbelief, applications filed after mine approved one after another! I went to the INS website and sent two comments in their General Comments section; one about this lack of order in processing and another about differences in processing times between the different regional centers. I sent the a fax with the same comments to INS and cc\'ed a senator. I encourage each one of you to do the same. That\'s the least we can do.

At times, we take status-quo for granted without questioning. Why should INS not process the applications on a first-come-first-serve basis. Why should there be a 1 year difference in processing times between CSC and TSC? Let\'s see if bombarding with e-mails and fax will at least get some attention.
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I have the same situation. I faxed/mailed to INS a few weeks ago, no response yet. Its about 14 months in 485. My company is laying off soon. What should I do?