Please put your thoughts to help us understand American


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I talked to IIO before and was told my case with officer. Call again two weeks later, was told it was with Supervisor. One lady also promised me that she will call me back, of course, she did not.

This is American, Liar, Liar....

(I should say, for them, they do not feel they are lying but for our standard they are.....Culture difference?)

When they say they will call you back, that means they do not want to talk to you anymore.

(Another way is that they tell you they get to go, that means they want to hang up the phone and do not want to talk to you. Please do not take it as they are in rush to go somewhere).

When they say they will think about it, that means they are refusing.

(When you want to sell something to an American, if they tell you they will think about it, that means they do not want to buy.)

When they ask how are you doing, they mean Hello. (They basically not really care how you are doing.)

When they say I miss you, that means Hello.
(I miss you so much....)

When they smile, they are just stretching their face muscles.

When they say come to visit us, that means Good Bye.

When they say you are more than welcome, that means you have his permission. (You are more than welcome to use my....)


I am sure you guys can add more on this list....

This is American tradition.... We have to learn it if we want to deal with them...
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Very good, Qixin.

Your case is one of the oldest pending cases in the Tracker with FP done. I think your case is complicated. The process in handling the case is like this:

Files transferred from Building A (Storage, mail and data processing) to Building B (A and B is 25 miles apart), and put in the temperary storage area.

The files are assigned to Supervisors, and supervisors assigned the cases to IIOs.

IIO screens the case. If there is anything which the IIO may think RFe or transfer is required. The case will be issued RFE or be transferred. If the case is simple, the IIO will just approve it. If the case is complicated and the IIO could not make a decision, or if the case is denied by the IIO, the case will be give to the Supervisor to make the final decision.

Also if the IIO will have a long vacation, have long maternity or sick leave, resign from the job, or is assigned other duties, the pending files may be returned to th Supervisor.
In this case, the supervisor will re-assign those returned cases in the next round of assignment.

I guess the IIOs are not very experienced. They may bother the Supervisor frequently and make the Supervisor very busy. Thus, your case will be significantly delayed.

One thing I still could not understand is that how TSC organises the I-485 processing. There is no logic. It does not based on ND, not on PD, and not on FP, just totally randomness.
Why we want to live here

The point is not why we want to have a GC.
The point is when you get the GC don't forget who you are and all the good things your parents teach you.
I don't want to become an american, I want to be an US citizen. That is different.

Hang in there QixinZuo
why are we here - reply

I think everybody knows why are we here, and thats defintely not to be like an american, but better

You are here because you want to take the economic advantage this country provides,

you are here because basic things gets done a lot easier but your green card.

you are here is because you can still find work even during recession

you are here because of the freedom, however flawed it may be for prospective immigrants

you are here because you get paid more, for the same work you would do in any other country on this planet, or if there is life on any other planets.

the list goes on and on.
How about I do would like to become one...

I think you got the wrong idea here... if you don't want to be an American fine with me but don't think anyone is going to change anything just because you’ve decided that you were going to honor this country with your presence and it has turned out, it is different from what you have been used to.

You are an immigrant just like anyone here. If you decide to stay you will be an immigrant for your life. Even your citizenship wont be quite as equal as theirs. No matter how hard you will try you won’t be able to change this because only after the second sentence they will ask you the famous: "Where are you from?"

I am working the same system (INS, DOL etc) just like anyone else here. It sure sucks. My best years are going by and I am stuck at a shitty job only because the system is that slow. I myself also don't like many things about the American way either. How people interact, how a smile or being nice means nothing...etc. And why the heck are they asking “How are you?” if they care less. Their way is different, and that is all there is to it ”different”. I see your frustration but calling people liars and associating all Americans with one of their overworked bureaucratic institution, with which you happen to be angry... well I can’t see this as appropriate. I am not sure where you are from, but I have to see a country yet where there aren’t liars, or where state offices offer 24 hours turnaround service, and give VIP treatments to anyone.

But the one thing I really hate about this country are those immigrants who only come here to take advantages of the great things and don’t even try to become an “American”. You see plenty of them i.e. in the Miami area where at places you can’t top off your car if you don’t speak Spanish. Makes me sick... They don’t eve try... all they do is swimming in at night and they have it all.

Trying to be different while at the same time trying to “fit in” just doesn’t work. As I see it, this is not the deal where you can select and buy only the parts you like. Take the whole package or don’t take it at all... I am not saying we all should be brainwashed and forget the positive values from our original culture, but I myself DO would like to become an American after all. Calling them liars wont help anyone here...
Oh! My God!

You are right about immigrants, They want to be here to use all the benefits. Then why r u here?
We didn't come here because it is beautiful or because they have Disney World in Orlando or because there is espresso in Miami. Be realistic if you can find the same things in your country you won't be here. USA has many things to offer not only material things but things like safety.
This is the country where you can make your dreams a reality but at what price.
They have all the laws of the world and this does not make them better. They won't stop any criminals with laws. The laws is after something already happend.
(I am not saying we should'nt have any laws at all).
What this country needs desperately is people care about others.
I am sick about "It is not my business" what a poor answer is that. It is their business, It will be our country in a few years.
Why they have problems with people working as baggage screeners in the airports. They can see something wrong with one passanger but they don't get paid for that they won't tell because "It is not their business". How sick is that.
If you don't care you are not leaving in a society,
that is to be an american not to care about anyone else.
They have a saying "There is no I on team", meaning they have to think as a team that is not true. I like USA there are good people but beeing good does not make them care for each others.
Like I said before "I don't want and I won't be an american I will be a US citizen".
I take care of people even with my limited English ; Yes, I am learning English my mother language is Spanish but that does not make me stupid.
You think speaking English makes you american how wrong are you. I had a friend he came from Vietnam. He speaks English fluently and he told me once. "There are some stages on this american dream. First you want to be accepted, you want to look like an American. after a few years the second stage takes place. YOU are better that any American. then After many years there is the last stage you get homesick and you want to come back" Maybe I am in the second stage or not. I don't feel superior but beeing American won't stop me caring about others.
You should revise your priorities and you will see my point.
USA is great, it was great and It will be great but if you say you can not change things you are in the wrong country pal.
you missed the point....

Originally posted by fidelfs
You are right about immigrants, They want to be here to use all the benefits. Then why r u here?

I was not talking about the “why”. I was talking about what you want to be once you are here and decided to stay here for you life.

This is the country where you can make your dreams a reality but at what price. They have all the laws of the world and this does not make them better. They won't stop any criminals with laws.

You think the price is high? So where are you from?

What this country needs desperately is people care about others.
I am sick about "It is not my business" what a poor answer is that. It is their business, It will be our country in a few years.

I have no clue what you are trying to say here.

Like I said before "I don't want and I won't be an american I will be a US citizen".

Well tell this at your citizenship interview.

You should revise your priorities and you will see my point.
USA is great, it was great and It will be great but if you say you can not change things you are in the wrong country pal.

Don’t tell me I should revise my priorities, as there is nothing wrong with them. Not to mention that I don’t see where I have wrote about them, but I guess you figured it out anyways. I think you don’t realize that YOU ARE HERE BECAUSE THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE YOU THINK THAT IT IS RIGHT THAT YOU CAN COME HERE AND BECOME ONE OF THEM. You are not here because you have a God given right to immigrate into this country. Realize that this can change anytime. The reason why it does not change (for now) for the worse is due to the liberal thinking of the Americans. If they would be Nazis you would right now carry a tag.

You think speaking English makes you american how wrong are you.

Ok. Stop daydreaming and respond only to what I have actually posted. In case this was a response to my post at all. Speaking English does not make me American. Trying it makes me someone who wants to fit in and live a normal life. Walking up and down with Cuban flags in an American City throwing anti-American slogans… how would you feel about that?

Ohhh and please avoid calling me “Pal” as I am not your friend and don’t even want to be associated with you.

I sincere apologize you are the real American guy.
You think you r above the others.
I didn't come here they asked me to come to work.
I have been working in many countries as a consultant so if I have to go I will go to another country.

That's right pal , you r not my friend.

I am not Cuban and I think what Cubans are doing is not right but I don't feel that as a threat. Do you?

God bless you!
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Re: Apologize

Originally posted by fidelfs
I sincere apologize you are the real American guy.
You think you r above the others.
I didn't come here they asked me to come to work.
I have been working in many countries as a consultant so if I have to go I will go to another country.

That's right pal , you r not my friend.

I am not Cuban and I think what Cubans are doing is not right but I don't feel that as a threat. Do you?

God bless you!

If this thread has nothing to do with you than why do you get involved? If you do not want to become a US citizen than why even look at the I485 section? I can understand anyone who does not want to become an American while he is only here to fill a job and get some extra $$ and can't wait to leave for home. I just hate the selective ones. But if you won't stay than I can't see why you freak out?

Finally keep your comments about me to yourself, and I don't need your blessings either. Try to stick to facts and react only to things that are really presented in the discussion. Who said you are Cuban? That was simply an example.

Have a good one dude...

I think the one who does not want to get involved is you. You like the status quo.
I want to change things but I don't want to change how I think.
You didn't read my previous posting. "I don't want to be an American, I am want to be a US Citizen"
This means that I will accept the culture but I won't allow the culture to change my thoughts.
You r talking about hate, Hate is bad pal it will consume you.
I don't hate anybody.
All the employment base category are because they filling a job or what is the purpose of the Labor Certification. If you loose your job you have to leave so you r filling a job. USA does not care how good are you they only cares if you can improve the economy in some way. Which way, performing your job, so yes we are filling a job.

I don't want to go home like I said this is one good thing USA provides and it is safety.
Who freak out, I think you did not me!

I think u r afraid not to pass as an American, Why? Do you need to be accepted for them.
Why? Are you mature enough or not to accept that they won't see you as an American never ever.

Don't hate and GOD BLESS YOU!!!! Pal
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I am done with this thread

You have already showed your attitude in this thread.

Much worse, you are not responding to the points I made. You are simply throwing up new ones and try to make them valid while making comments, which have no relation to my posts at all. For example who talked about hate in general? What status quo? How come you certainly know what I am afraid off? I though we aren't pals, at least we have cleared that.

Perhaps this kind of discussion strategy works for you, but don't expect me to respond to you, as I am simply not able to.

I see no point in this discussion (with you) for the above reasons.
Just chill guys!

I think people have countless reasons (justifications) to be here, and all that is required of you (IMHO) is not to go against the interests of this country.

I think everyone has a right to have their opinion... I see many Americans that don't agree with everything that's going on in here, let alone poor furstrated immigrants wanna-bes.

Good luck to all!


I am glad you are done, because you only read your posts.

You wrote hate, I didn't.
I answer your comments, if you didn't notice.
You have a problems with other immigrants (If they don't speak your English) who does not share your thoughts. Fine with me!.
You said that I have to stop dreaming so I assume you like the status quo. I can make things change, If I work hard to make it.
I don't have any attitue you started it. You are the one who does not respect other thougts.

I think you got the wrong idea here... if you don't want to be an American fine with me but don't think anyone is going to change anything just because you’ve decided that you were going to honor this country with your presence and it has turned out, it is different from what you have been used to.

That was your quote.

God Bless you Pal
But the one thing I really hate about this country are those immigrants who only come here to take advantages of the great things and don’t even try to become an “American”. You see plenty of them i.e. in the Miami area where at places you can’t top off your car if you don’t speak Spanish. Makes me sick... They don’t eve try... all they do is swimming in at night and they have it all.
You said you hate others more if they speak spanish.

Trying to be different while at the same time trying to “fit in” just doesn’t work. As I see it, this is not the deal where you can select and buy only the parts you like. Take the whole package or don’t take it at all... I am not saying we all should be brainwashed and forget the positive values from our original culture, but I myself DO would like to become an American after all. Calling them liars wont help anyone here...
You like the status quo you are afraid of changes.

Well my no friend (Pal ) like I said you have to revise ur priorities and read others posts but take a look what you write first b4 you said others attack you with no merits. I am using your facts, points or wharever you want to call it.


I am chill man, I am here to give any help to any body. If I have the knowledge to help them I will.
I had to deal with INS if different ways for more than 6 years so if I can provide any help I will.

Thanks for your post
Re: Points?

Man I am sorry but I can’t just walk by this…. So the show goes on…

QUOTEI am glad you are done, because you only read your posts.
You wrote hate, I didn't.

And you are talking about HATE as an issue. Don’t mix things up. If I say “I hate” this and that, DOES not mean I am talking about “HATE” as the social phenomena, as you have referred to it. You keep talking about how you hate Americans although you did not state it you did mean it. That still does not mean that you are full of hate whatsoever. What if I hate pasta? Am I full with hate now? Ummmmm… so what?

QUOTE]You have a problems with other immigrants (If they don't speak your English) who does not share your thoughts. [/QUOTE]

I have a problem with them if they don’t W A N T to speak (want = not willing to, don’t= can’t, not able to etc…) the language or if they don’t want to fit in. I have no problem with the guy who just came and bends over to learn, and tries like mad. You misunderstood me AGAIN. And I think you’re doing this on purpose.

QUOTE]You said that I have to stop dreaming so I assume you like the status quo. [/QUOTE]

I said stop dreaming because you are reading things that are not there.

QUOTE] I can make things change, If I work hard to make it.
I don't have any attitue you started it.

YOU are the one who calls me things and “pal”. It is your attitude. Look at my post and yours. I have tried to keep calm, but you suddenly start to call me “pal” while you are quite negative. Who started it?

QUOTE] You said you hate others more if they speak spanish. [/QUOTE]

Again. Where did I say this? It is in the quote. I said I hate them if they are not willing to learn it, not because they don’t but because they don’t want. The very same thing a few lines above. What a difference don’t you agree?

Just for you I summarize what I wrote in my VERY first post.

1. I don’t think we should call Americans liars just because we are unhappy with the INS.
2. I don’t like people who come to a country as guests, and start saying crap about the natives (who eventually let him or her into the country). Especially if they want to stay in the country forever.
3. I think trying to be different will make your life harder as an immigrant. I specifically said that I don’t mean we should be brainwashed. Did you read that part at all?

Ok now here are som questions YOU have not answered. I hope you will answer them now.

1. your quote: “You think speaking English makes you american how wrong are you.”

What made you think I think this? I am not a native English and have just as hard time with it like you.

2. Your quote: “You should revise your priorities and you will see my point.
USA is great, it was great and It will be great but if you say you can not change things you are in the wrong country pal.”

Where did I state my priorities? Quote me please. You didn’t quote me or responded because I didn’t state them.

3. Your quote: “You are right about immigrants, They want to be here to use all the benefits. Then why r u here?”

I responded to this by explaining what I meant. The original response of mine was not about the “why”. Will you respond to this or not?

4. Your quote: “I sincere apologize you are the real American guy.
You think you r above the others.”

Why do you say this? What makes you think I feel I am above you or anyone else just because I don’t share your thoughts. I am the one who is defending someone here. You guys are the one who say they suck you are attacking. I could say you feel you are above the Americans. But I didn’t say that.

5. Your quote: “I am not Cuban and I think what Cubans are doing is not right but I don't feel that as a threat. Do you?”

Did I say you are Cuban? I don’t think so. You see this is why I said “daydreamer”. Because you state that I say this and that and actually I did not say those things.

Finally one that I failed to repond to. I actually did forget to because I guess I gave up on the topic, but you managed to fire me up again.

Your quote: “I think u r afraid not to pass as an American, Why? Do you need to be accepted for them.
Why? Are you mature enough or not to accept that they won't see you as an American never ever.”

Yes I am mature enough to accept it. I think actually it really sucks that we will not ever pass as an American. I am not talking about things that I don’t like about here. But not being to hide that you are an immigrant really sucks because it does hinder you in leading the same life as natives. So since I want to stay, I would say you are right on this one. I don’t like that I will never have that edge, and I don’t like the fact that I have a disadvantage in this respect, although having seen many different cultures I have other advantages. But I do try hard and I do appreciate that I can be here. If I wouldn’t I would go back. As simple as that. If I would think this is overall a bad place because the reasons you said overweight the positives, I would say quit. But since I made up my mind that I will stay I will try to be a part, defend, and step up for USA (that is if I get a GC lol) because this is my new HOME. Not the country I am from. That is past. This is how I see it.

Now will you respond to the numbered points by numbers. Or are we going to play cat and mouse? Get the balls and go point by point.
Oh! man.

You r so full of it.
I just wish I had the power to grant you citizenship. You r the essence of being American.
You twist your words to make it look I am attacking you.
HATE. Ok, If you want to play semantics fine with me but you said the most I hate is .......
You hate people everybody can see it.
Now you started talking in plural so you r not just attacking me, you r attacking the rest of the people.
I am glad u r here your weight as human being is keeping earth on its orbit. You r so right (That's what you think and only u).
If they don't want to speak English so what is them not you or do you want to understand what they r saying. Maybe they are talking about u (because universe turns around you men).
I didn't say I hate americans, I said I don't want to turn like them ( I am seeing the example in you).
You reply it with hate words, I didn't.

SPEAKING SPANISH You said that "That is the hate the most"

I am not unhappy with INS, they are doing they work. They r following orders from your fellow americans. How difficult is to review the documents? I don't think they are doing this on purpose. Immigration is a political things and it is not because liberals. That is a false they always require people to do their jobs, that's why we are here.

NATIVES. Better go back to school and find out who are natives. Even the word American has been stolen. American is everybody who born in the American continent. I think you mean (even you don't like me to figure it out what you r saying) people who born here you must read the constitution and the first ammendment. (I think that is required when you get for the citizen ship and your gold medal).

I don't want to be a robot, if you want be my guest but I am a human being that thinks. What makes this country great all the different people keeping their customs. I have many friends from India, Vietnam, Canada, Nigeria, etc. and I would never tell them to change. I enjoy their points of view even if I don't agree. But not YOU!

Answering your questions.
1. read above.
2 You have been stating your priorities all along. You belive r superior u think poor spanish speaking people. They can't/don't want/whatever to speak english. Do u know the most powerful political people in Miami are Cubans?
You said this is ur new home and not the country you left behind. (priorities) Uhm!!!!!

3. I don't know what r you asking.

4. At the moment you start saying you hate this or you hate that and do not understand their problems you think u r above the rest of us.
As the Cuban example.

But the one thing I really hate about this country are those immigrants who only come here to take advantages of the great things and don’t even try to become an “American”. You see plenty of them i.e. in the Miami area where at places you can’t top off your car if you don’t speak Spanish. Makes me sick... They don’t eve try... all they do is swimming in at night and they have it all.
You didn't say that?

Like I said you need to be accepted from them. Why? You will never will, that is a fact. neither do I. Why r u fighting others fight.

I have beeing answering ur questions all along but you read only where you want.


Sorry I forgot to mention Do you know that there is no official language in USA?
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Ok. So I am full of it?

Who has the attitude again? Calm down and you may be able to do better.

I am twisting your words? It is all above... You did not reply with hate? Come on whose topic starts with "Ohh my God!" or something similar. You say I am full of it. Is that hate or what?

But you are right; yes I am attacking everyone who takes a dump in a house where he is a guest. I can’t accept that type of behavior and I will always announce my disrespect, although it means nothing to you I know. Did you may be think about it that I too want to change something here?

About this discussion the truth is I can barely react to what you wrote as you don't write clear sentences because YOU are full with hate, you simply freaked and hit the keyboard very hard while you were emotionally filled. It is not your English!!! It is YOUR hate that comes through as a hasty, heated response. I am not consumed by hate but I am also no God who is able to love anyone or anything. You fail to understand me because you have already decided that you will attack me as I represent all the Americans you criticize, I represent all the kicks you got from them. Calm down and you will have a better response next time.

Next, I really don’t want to come with language arguments, because that is a poor argument on a forum, especially on this forum, but for example can you tell me what

"That is the hate the most!"

means? First of all can you show me where I wrote that?

I am glad to hear you are not unhappy with an institution that does not do the job well. LOL... you are talking about change? Ok so let's not change INS? You know what? It is the good (at least sometimes good) American thinking that has decided to change INS, although it will take very long until we will see any effects. I think you are the 0.000001% who is satisfied with INS. It is not INS's fault. They are simply overworked. But it is a situation that needs to be taken care of. Or do you think it is acceptable for a I485 to take 2 years? That is if you are lucky and nothing goes wrong.

About natives: sure we can go back to the Indians and get the famous conversation going about who was here first. Would that make sense? Think practically. Or are you going to work on weaking the dead now as well? Or do you want to restore Indian tribes and give them power to rule? Or what do you want to do? You said you would try to change things. Ok. What? How?

Your answers:
1. Ok I am reading above. Ummmm... There was nothing there that I could understand or translate to an answer. Most of it is simply not understandable. Sorry. Not my fault.

2. Where?

3. Exactly THAT WAS the problem from the beginning with this discussion. You did not get my point and you charged head on throwing all kind of crap at me that I did not mean, or did not say. No you are trying to back up. This is what sucks in discussions. It is like chess. You made a move it is final, it is there. Well you could edit it but that would be so shallow.

But I will explain it one more time. I will type slower so you can keep up.

My initial response was to the thread starter, that sure it is obvious why we are here. But the deal does not end with getting the GC. These people who you are seemingly unhappy with are expecting you to return something in favor. Namely, that you will try to become part of their society. They expect you to fight on their side. They expect you to share their ideas, and values. And many of them even expect you to bring your positive values form your own culture. I think it is safe to say that the average American is pro immigration, and understands that his/her parents have been immigrants as well. You may see Americans (or should I say USA citizens so you wont attack me on that?) with a very different view. But if you would have been raised here (I wasn't) you would see them differently and you would think about immigrants the same way they do. What you guys don't realize is, that all this is relative. And the other thing you don't realize is that those who are thinking with an American brains are the majority and if you ask them: “Do you want to change a bunch of things?” (Cultural things) they will say: “Hell no! I like it as it is!”. They like their things, they like their stupid Base Ball, they think eating championships are sports, they think yellow mixes well with red and blue an an airplane, or a red interior of a Cadillac is stylish. And true, they are smiling when they don't mean it. They are asking how you are if they don’t care. But that does not make them bad. This is how they have been raised, that is their culture. Now if you want to change these fine with me, I'd say I even welcome it. But make a note of it that nobody likes foreigners coming to his or her country, and trying to change things they think are OK as they are or they even love. That is a natural response of humans. If you still want to change you defeat your own argument, namely that I don’t accept other’s views. You don’t accept them either!

Statues quo means security in the sense, that stable things give us the sometimes false feeling of being secure. Change is part of development but too much change in a short time ends in anarchy and war and hate and the rest of it, which I can't support.

By the way... What status quo are you talking about when you relate it to me? Man I am working for a company that is about to sink and I am in danger of loosing my H1 together with the hope for a GC. What status quo? ME? I wish... I bet even my accent is twice as thick as yours. Spanish accent even sounds neat, like French accent. Hungarian accent sound like crap, especially if I add 6 years of fluent German to it so people have real hard time pinpointing my origin. Some think I am German some think I am Romanian... fantastic…. Great status quo!!! Do you think I am not sick of this? Do you think I like everything here? You couldn't be more wrong. But the difference is that I don't go on a public forum and start saying crap about them. I agreed to take the burden (and all this is in my original post as well) and be an immigrant, a foreigner, you know “the other guy” forever. It is a big price I would say. But it is still worth it. And it is not the American's fault that I can't speak without an accent or is it? Their reaction toward us is natural and I can understand it. Too bad for us and too bad for you as you cannot see through your (our) problems of not being accepted. If you could place yourself outside of the problem for only one minute, you could see what goes on with us, has two sides and neither of it is better than the other.

Let me continue with the list....

4. Ok so if you think because I said I hate some certain people, with a certain behavior, in a certain situation, I feel above you. Well… Let me make a statement so I clear it up for you once and forever:

I do not feel above you or above anyone.

So get over the fact that I don’t. Actually I too feel pretty low in this country. I am another nobody trying to make a better living while accepting things and being thrown around in a system I have no control over. Our customers (especially NY jerks) complain that they don’t appreciate that they can’t understand what I am saying on the phone, they’d rather have an American answering their problems. I got that many many times. But most of them aren’t like this. So as you see (or probably don’t see) my whole argument is from the point of being below rather than being above. But I think at the end we make a good deal staying here and that is why I don't like certain behaviors, because guess what? Our children will not care about your Spanish or about my Hungarian or how I like Budapest. They will care about baseball and all the things we can’t understand… they will see them as a natural part of their life. Keep this attitude and try to talk to them once they are grown. Tell them USA sucks… if they were grown up here, they will send you home.

5. I did not say "I hate Spanish speaking people" as you have stated falsely, nor did I say "you are Cuban" as you stated falsely again. You still can’t quote me on these, because I never wrote such.

I knew there is still no official language in the USA. Why do you come with this freaking English thing? You got stuck in this issue. I made and example about how some are not willing to learn the language that would lead them to what it could be a successful life, but you come and develop it into almost racism. You developed it further and said I hate Spanish. Had I come with my other example you would have said I hate Indians, when my three best friends ever are 1 Pakistani, and 2 Indians. This is ridiculous.

Try something new or relevant, AND go deeper in your reasoning. Or better yet… calm down and try to communicate calmly. We may even be able to understand each other.

For the sakes of others I won't respond to ur posting.
I didn't read it I just ingnore it.
That's the best I can do for you.

God Bless you, and enjoy the journey and let other enjot it as well.

Have fun!!!!