Please post! If assigned, but wait for approval, or approved


Registered Users (C)
My case has been assigned since Nov 25, 2002. But I am still waiting for approval. I called the IIOs couple of times. They only explained as slow processing. What time is the end? I almost lost my patience. Who is on the same boat? Please post your info if your case has been assigned around Nov 25, 2002. No matter your case is approved or not, welcome your reponse or comments. I appreciate.

Here are my details:
RD 06/07/2001
ND 07/23/2001
FP 12/17/2001
AD Wait
i got a rfe in august i replied to the rfe in september my case was assigned to the officer during 1st week of november i got approved on feb 18.after a wait ofso many months. my date of filling is july 18 2001
RD 08/01/2001
ND 09/14/2001
FP Some times Aug 2002
Case Assigned to Officer on Dec/05/2002.

Still No News. I call Every week, same info.....Case assigned to officer.

Any info please post.
Case went to clerical department

I called IIO about my case on Friday Feb 21st, 2003. IIO was very helpful and cooperative. She told me that my case is under review and that it went to the "Clerical Department" and that I should expect some kind of communication from NSC very soon.

What does it mean?? Should I expect an RFE or a straight approval (Later would be preferable!)

Anybody out there, got the same information from an IIO?? if there is, please share what did you see in your mailbox after getting such info from IIO.

Aug RD

RFE issued Dec 4th (Emp. letter) . Replied and received by INS on Dec 19th. It was assigned back to the officer on Jan 21st. Have been calling the IIO every other week. Reply every time - PENDING with the officer!:( :mad:

Sick and Tired of checking the on line and AVM status!
Spoke with IIO

Thank you for all your replies.

I spoke with IIO on 02/25. A nice lady answered my call and said NCS has realized many cases have been pending for more than 20 months. They are slowly reducing backlogs. Hopefully, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.