please help


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This site has helped me in all ways to get Green card. I have huge problem in front of me please help me.
We got green card few days ago. My husband and me both are still in India and will enter soon. Now there is a problem in that. I can't follow my husband to US at the same time. We filled the papers(probably in packet 3) saying that we both will enter US together but due to some problem I can't. Will this stop him from getting the Green card because I am not with him or is that I will not get green card because I will go later? Please help me as soon as possible because I am in big problem.

My next question is: what happens if after getting the greencard we both divorce each other. Will my Green Card get cancelled?

Please don't mix both the questions, they both are different and independent question.

I will really appreciate if you please reply me soon.

1. As long as the principal applicant enters first, the dependants may enter anytime within the 6 month period after approval of the GC.

2. If you divorce your husband shortly, INS may use its discretion to cancel the dependant's GC. There are a number of caveats to this assumption and also there is a consensus that by waiting for atleast 2 years, your GC may not be affected by the divorce. Consult a lawyer first.