Please Help


New Member
I am begging for a woman to help me a very important homework assignment. I am completing a paper based off the answers to the following questions. PLEASE HELP!!!

What culture do you identify with?
When did you move to the United States?
What influenced you move to the United States?
What is the woman’s role in the household? i.e. chores
How do women help raise the children? Education? Punishment?
How are women incorporated into the religious aspect of the culture?
Do women participate in any important rituals?
When do women usually marry?
Who decides who women marry?
How do young girls under the marrying age help around the house?
Are there any rituals or milestones that must happen before a girl can be considered a woman? If so, what are they.
Do you have interactions with women of other cultures?
Are you comfortable in these communications? Why or Why not?
What is your opinion of women from the United States?
Have you had any negative experiences with women of other cultures? If so, give an example.
How if any has your role changed since moving to the United States?