Please help!


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I work as Prog/Analyst in an IT section for company X and got the LC approved recently with a priority date of May 2004(EB3).

However, there is a an approved labor(PD: Apr 2001 EB3) for an Engineering psoition in another division of the same company X. I do have the same qualifications as that of the approved labor for the Engineering position. Can I use this labor as the PD is current and no body was able to use this for a long time as none matched the educational qualifications.

Although I meet the requirements of the approved labor most of my experience is in IT. Will that cause an issue?

Also, any instructions on how to proceed with Labor Substitution as I would like to handle it myself.

Lastly, is there any timeframe for how long an approved labor can be valid?

Any insight is greatly appreciated.