Please help us


New Member
Hello, I am an American citizen, about 4 months ago I met a woman via the Internet, through a friend of mine at work. We have been corresponding every day with letters and messenger. We both have fallen deeply in love with each other, and wish to marry. I would have been the first to say that you can not fall in love on the Internet.....I was wrong. Our problem is this, I need to go to Vietnam to meet her for eligibility requirements. I have no problem with this, but I owe back child support. I understand that I must take care of this, to obtain a Passport, and I am doing such. My question is, is there anything else that would prevent me from obtaining a Passport? I am not a fugitive from justice, nor do I have a court order saying that I can not leave the US. I do have a student loan in default, but it is being withheld from my check. I have a very good job, and very good benefits. I don't owe taxes or anything like that. I only need to get to Vietnam. I have asked her if she could come here on visitor visa. She wants to abide with her Fathers wishes to hold engagement in Vietnam. She also says that Vietnam government will not issue travel visa to single women unless they have very large bank account or something to compell them to return. Can anyone tell me if the child support issue is the only obsticle in my way? This is the real deal folks, we are genuinely in love. I thank you for your time and help. slabstick
I have finally got an answer to my request, so thank you all who have read this anyway. I hope everyone has a pleasant day. Slabstick