please help me


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Can some body tell me how much time usually it will take to send the landing documents and VISA ,after candian INS make a decision. My e_status is showing 'Decision_made'

Could some body please explore your experience, those who landed recently or got their landing papers,
Hey-- I have a similar question, How long does it take actually as my medicals were submitted on july 15th 02 and I am still waiting for any results. My e-status still says "In Process" although I know it's not updated yet. Let me know if you find out something.

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if you did your medical first time ,wait for 40 days then if haven't heard anything from INS that means u r medical exam are cleared.
they are working on your back ground check like crminal records and employment verfication
otherwise they will tell you to do additional medical exam. it happend to me.
As far as i know if it is decision_made means , everything is cleared .waiting for visa and landing papers
I dont know how much time it will after this
Freinds , any idea on this case