Please help E2 Extension


Registered Users (C)
Dear Group;

I have been searching online for required documents to file for E2 extension. I-129 and E2 Suppliment documents are all I got. What are the suppliment documents?

Secondly, I am nervous about not being granted an extension. What are the requirements for extension? The business I have started did not grow to the point of providing employment for US workers.

Did you also have to go through personal interview in Toronto again? I am a Canadian.

Thanks for any advise you can give me,

flower-child :)
It is going to be tricky to get an extension, but a good lawyer might be able to help you out. Since your company has been in existence for a couple of years you need to show tax statements and possibly projections for the next few years - maybe even a new business plan that shows how you will grow the company. Please don't forget that the overall business climate during 2000 - 2003 has been pretty tough. You might want to take that into consideration when applying for your extension. Another strong point might be if you can show enough cash to get you through the next few years in the same way as you had to do when submitting the original E2 application.

BTW: I'm not Canadian so I can not help you with specific information about the Toronto consular office.
Hi, Billy Bob;

Thank you very much for taking the time to advise me on a few points I can make for extension.

I happen to be reading some other thread regarding E2 and saw that you take time to help people.

I am sure everybody who logs on here to get information appreciates you opinion.

:D flower
I am Canadian, I want to know what business did you buy and where, also please tell me how should I start to get this type of visa. You can send me direct
e-mail @
Than you
extension of E2 visa

hey group,
I have a question concerning mine and my familie's E2 visa status. My children are only guests under my visa, and i would like to change that, only problem my oldest is 21. would it be possible to give her parts of my buissness in order for her to apply for her own visa? Also i have read the requirements to apply for an extension, but we do not meet those, my buisness is not making enough capital in order to provide workplaces for americans, but it has been around for 10 years now, and i was not the origional owner of this restaurant. And now i want to open a second one in a different location where it would be possible to make more money and eventually provide employment. how would i do this? what forms would i have to fill out in order to get an extension and to move to a different location?
thank you for your help