please help. confused


New Member
Hello i just need help, info on what i need. i am a native american, and i have letters coming from both sides of my family, well i have a letter from my moms side, just waiting on my dads side of the band. and i am in the process of getting a new status card with my new number. and i am soon going to get my passport. i am going to move to WA near the border and going to marry someone from that area in July sometime this year. my fiance is Caucasian.

so i have my letter from my moms side of the family saying i am 100 percent native and i am waiting on my dad side of the family to do the same thing. *my dad was never a part of my life and he is not signed on my birth certificate because he was never there.*

I am getting my new status card and a passport soon. what else do i need?

also i would like to know what do i have to do to take my personal things across with me, is there forms i have to fill out? i am wanting to also just move them myself with out movers. is someone going to have to check out my things? all i have is old stuffed animals i had when i was young and art paintings drawings and sewing stuff that i have done myself. my furniture i am going to leave behind with the rest of my family (Grandparents, ect). but i dont want to leave behind my personals

am i forgetting anything else? oh and just to let you know i am expecting a child in mid june of this year, and my fiancee's work is going to take care of the expences for the delivery of the child.

is there anything else i need to know?
thanks for your help


***can anyone out there help me? or just dont really want to? im sorry i have had this here for a few weeks now and still no responce. not even when i emailed a couple people. who i thought that could help...
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