Please Help : Bad Interim Ead Experience


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Hi All

My Employment Authorization Document ( EAD ) is expiring on 02 August 2001.

I had applied for renewal of EAD in April 2001. My wife\'s and my notices have the receipt date of 26th April 2001.

I went to office today ( 27th July 2001 ) with my wife. There were 2 officers a male and a female. I went to the lady officer. She asked me for the details and I gave her
the original receipts. She entered the reference numbers in her computer and said that my receipt
date was 26th April 2001 and notice date was 14th May 2001. She said that she could not approve it till it was 90 days after 14th May 2001. I told her that my lawyers have told me that it is 90 days after the RECEIPT
date. She argued and said something like " What do the lawyers know". I left the office and called
my company\'s lawyers in San Francisco California. He reconfirmed that it is the INS regulation that
it is 90 days after the receipt date and gave me the regulation number : 274A.13

I went back into the INS office and had to take the number again. First time I had to wait for more than
2 hours and the security guard wanted me to go through that again. Anyway, I waited for more than an hour
second time. This time my number came up with the male officer. I told him that little earlier I had talked to
the lady officer.He showed my token to lady officer who was sitting in the window right next to his. She came over to the window and said that it could not be done in a angry tone. I told her that I had talked to my lawyer and he told me that as per INS regulation number : 274A.13 local INS offices are supposed to renew the EAD after 90 days of receipt date. She said that she knew her rules and that if I or my lawyer had any problem then we should contact INS in Lincoln Nebraska. I requested her to talk to my lawyer using my cell phone and she refused to do that. I said that my lawyer would be more than happy to fax her the regulation so that she could read and she kept repeating that she knew her rules. I requested her that I wanted to meet supervisor. Her response was that I was talking to 2 officers and she will not call any supervisors. She also said something like her supervisors were off on the interviews. I asked to meet the Director then. I told her i was willing to wait for as long as it took for a supervisor / Director to be be free. She again refused. By this time she as already shouting. Male officer seemed to know the rule and asked me for the receipt copies but she smothered him by saying : " I have
already told them ( pointing at my wife and I ) and they should come after 14th August 2001". She
even refused to give me her name when I requested the same. All along her attitude was very hostile,
abusive and condescending. She was the one who was yelling all along and then she turns to the
security and says : "SECURITY, GET THESE GUYS OUT OF HERE" pointing to my wife and I.
Security gaurd comes over and asks me to tone the volume!!!

I asked her what was the procedure for me to talk to the supervisor or the Director. She said that I will
have to take an appointment. And the appointment date that she gave me is for 21st August!! I took
the appointment and both my wife and I both fully humiliated at the hands of this government servant
left the INS premises.

My problem is that our EAD cards are expiring on 02 August 2001. My lawyer wants me to hand deliver a letter to the Director/Supervisor next week. I am a bit skeptical about this because what if this lady officer
just tears the letter and says that it was never received. Or even worse take it and never deliver it to
her supervisor.

My wife\'s company is already saying that if she does not have an EAD then they will have to terminate her.

What are my options ? Can I go to the regional center and request them to give it ?

Thanks and regards,


I am shocked by this treatment and indifference of the INS employees.
I am sure your lawyer will tell you the best course of action but this kind of bad treatment should be brought to the attention and I think you should contact the seantor from your state to escalate this issue. Which local office dod this happen ??

Good luck and best wishes to both of you!!

This happened in the INS Salt Lake City Office. I have already
contacted my senator. Some of my friends have had bad experiences
with the same person and it seems that this person is a racist.

Dear friend, I have an advise and suggestion for U, first of all U should report these matter to ATTORNEY GENERAL, Mr. John Ashcroft, who is the superior officer, sits at Washington DC, and the INS comes under his control, a copy to George Bush, one to your local Senator, and a copy to the INS Commisioner who also sits in DC, tell them the real facts what happended on that fateful day, like what that lady officer and how she humilated U and your wife calling the security officer to thro you and your wife out, PLEASE DRAFT A NICE LETTER, WITH THE CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS AND SEND TO THE ABOVE PEOPLE THRO FAX AND SEND A CERTIFIED POSTING COPIES TO ALL OF THEM, AND IF NECESSARY A COPY TO YOUR LOCAL LARGE CIRCULATED NEWS PAPER, to publish this article, and I hope with this I think your voice will be heard and U will get the justice, here the media is very strong, write to the all local and national news agencies quoting the INS regulation #, inspite of that, THAT LADY OFFICER DID NOT RENEW YOUR EAD, THIS IS VERY HIGH HANDED OF THAT CRUEL LADY, A SADIST LADY, SHE SHOULD BE PUNISED AT ANY COST, SO THAT OTHER OFFICERS WILL NOT BEHAVE LIKE HER. HOPE U WILL SEND AND COMPLAIN TO ALL THE ABOVE SAID PERSON, AT THE EARLIEST WITH OUT WASTING ANY TIME, GOOD LUCK TO U AND YOUR WIFE IN THIS MATTER. YOurs sicnere friend, RAMU KESI
No Title

Your lawyer should be with you next time you go to INS local office.

And call INS Nebraska and explain the may make difference.
No Title

Call INS & talk to service representative about urgency of EAD renewal which is threat to your wife\'s job, they can expediate and get the renewal done same day. Just request, it may help.
Sorry to hear about it...

I was sorry to hear about your experience.
 Surprised and shocked me to hear such attitude from
 an INS officer. It gives me jitters...
 I thought such things happened in developing nations
 and not in developed nations like US.

 Anyways, all the best to you and update us on what
 action was taken for such rude behavior.
To set an example ...

     I am shocked at the treatment meted out to "prospective" immigrants by very few bad apples who are only creating a bad name for the entire INS. Agreed, the efficiency of that department is abysmal but the attitude has taken a turn for the worse in recent years (as one who had been waiting patiently since 1997 I can attest to that).
    I would suggest getting a good letter similar to the one you posted drafted and reviewed by your lawyer sent to your Senator/Congressman/both and to the Attorney General. It is imperative that we not let such people get away with obnoxious behavior such as that described by you.

Hi All,

Thanks for your support. Since time was of essence and I had
to take a step to first safegaurd the employment of both my
wife and I, I went to the regional INS office in Denver.
They gave a new EAD in a heartbeat, no questions asked.
Of course I had to wait in lines for 5 hours and had to drive
more than 1200 miles in 2 days but in the end I think it was
worth it. All said and done, INS Denver office was Heaven compared
to INS Salt Lake office which was hell with even security gaurds
in Salt Lake were totally non-cooperative.

I did send an email to the local senator but as is
always the case things which are important to us personally may
not have as high a priority for others. I have not heard back
from him yet. I do plan to follow it up on this issue though.

Again, thanks for your support.

complain here !!!!

Call the INS National Customer Service Center at 800-375-5283 and tell them about your bad experience. Only if we complain will the conditions improve. Maybe by visiting their website you may be able to complain thru email... check it out....

Today I received my EAD from the local chapter of INS at Cleveland, Ohio and it sure was a breeze.... no problems at all.... ANy all the best !!!!



Hi All,

Thanks for your support. Since time was of essence and I had
to take a step to first safegaurd the employment of both my
wife and I, I went to the regional INS office in Denver.
They gave a new EAD in a heartbeat, no questions asked.
Of course I had to wait in lines for 5 hours and had to drive
more than 1200 miles in 2 days but in the end I think it was
worth it. All said and done, INS Denver office was Heaven compared
to INS Salt Lake office which was hell with even security gaurds
in Salt Lake were totally non-cooperative.

I did send an email to the local senator but as is
always the case things which are important to us personally may
not have as high a priority for others. I have not heard back
from him yet. I do plan to follow it up on this issue though.

Again, thanks for your support.
