Please Do Not Panic and make others panic as well.......


Registered Users (C)
I think a lot of unnecessary rumor mongering has gone on since this issue came up. Here are 4 good reasons I think we should be allright.
 1. I spoke to IIO yesterday and she explicitly said that processing is ongoing albeit slow
2. I have been unable to post messages for the past week at least. I am sure there are many more who are unable to (I had the webmaster restore my ability to post)
3. There is a posting on Texas Service Center for an approval on April 22
4. We have not seen an official posting regarding the suspension of processing in any major immigration website.

So hang in there and pray.....your day is surely coming.......
Yes, I agree

Please post credible news about processing being suspended with the source of info.
Please do not spread anything that have no basis.