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Please assist me in this question


New Member
Hi how are you?I just want to ask you, in my selectee notification letter i signed middle name, but in my homecountry there is no middle name, but all the forms sent to KCC everything is correct no middle name.

I mean will get any problem for that, just only that???

Please let me know as soon as possible.
Hi how are you?I just want to ask you, in my selectee notification letter i signed middle name, but in my homecountry there is no middle name, but all the forms sent to KCC everything is correct no middle name.

I mean will get any problem for that, just only that???

Please let me know as soon as possible.

OK - first thanks for bring the question to the forum - the PMs were not helpful for others.

Now, your post is a bit confusing and it is obviously worrying you. You actually have asked this before - here is what you said then.

"Hi, how are you?I have been selected for DV 2014 winner.But please help me in this question. Before won the DV 2014 i fill all the fields, but there was a filed where is written MIDDLE NAME. As in my homecountry there is no middle name but i signed middle name in that filed and then i translate middle name into my homecountry language it means my father name, and then i signed middle name my father name.But at that time i didn't know that the middle name means second name .I want to know will get any error for further interview??????

but in DS-230 (part 1, 2) and DS-122 form is not sign middle name that sent to KCC.Only i sign it during DV 2014 lottery that it has been in processed"

OK so I am a little confused from your English. I think it would be helpful to write what you want to say in your own language to be really clear what you have done.

So - (in you own language if you like) tell us

1. What names you used in your eDV application (your original entry)
2. What names are shown on your passport/birth cert etc
3. What names you filled out on the 122/230 forms
4. What country you are from so that your countrymen can help with what is customary

We don't need to know the actual names - just enough to show whether you filled out the forms correctly or not.
I think there are two possibilities here. She either used her maiden name as middle name or used her father's name as middle name -"middle name" in her language translates directly to "father's name". All that on the initial application but on forms sent to KCC she left the field "middle name" empty.

So a quick email to KCC should sort it out. I might be wrong though :)
Isn't the same person that put the name of her \his father as a middle name?
If yes its true that most oriental countries show the name of the father on the I'd
But not on the pasport I think the people of the ambassy will just have to look at the ID aswell.
My I'd is just the same by the way!!!!
Use the names as shown in your legal documents going forward. If the discrepancy comes up at your interview, the explanation you provided here is reasonable enough.

Your DV entry will not be the base for your legal US documents.