Please Advise


New Member
Dear friends, any ideas and suggestions are more than welcome!

I came to the States on B-2 visa to visit my former host family with whom I stayed as an exchange student 2 yrs. ago on J-1 visa. During the stay I visited a local University and spontaneously decided to apply.
I got admissions and my I-20 and applied for a change of status from B-2 to F-1 with Texas Service Center after about 5 months--during the time I was an unpaid volunteer.

TSC requested additional evidence:
1.Provide proof of the basis and source of your income and your sponsor's income. Include a letter from the employer, most recent pay stub or anyinvestment ownership.
2.Provide your sponsor's 2003 income tax return. Include Wage and Tax statement.
3. Provide proof of your and your sponsor's credible sufficient financial funds. Include your and your sponsor's three monthsbank statements showing deposits and withdrawals. Do not include any account at a glance, memos, CDs, wire transfers, internet printouts, foreign bank statements, etc. Only immediately available funds under your account or your sponsor's account are acceptable.
4.Provide proof of I-134 Affidavit of support from your sponsor.

My questions are the following:
a.Do I need to prove funds for only first year of studies or entire four years?
b.I will be responsible for paying my tuition and fees. However, I do not have a bank account in the States and no tax returns or employment. And they do not accept foreign bank statements. Therefore, I cannot be my own sponsor. Do you think I still have a chance if all the documents will be provided by my former host dad?
c.Does a sponsor need to write a letter explaining why he/she is sponsoring me?
d. If my sponsor is providing me with free room and board and I will only have to pay tuition and fees should I explain all that in a separate letter?
e. What other evidence can I provide to prove my nonimmigrant intent and stronger ties with my home country?
f. Can a Congressman or Senator be helpful in any way? Or is it waste of time?

Sorry for so many questions. If you have any thoughts on at least one of them,please reply. Your help will be very much appreciated! Thanks.