Please Advice


Registered Users (C)
Here is my case. I filed my I-485 on 11/16/2001 and pending approval. I have been informed by my company that my last date with them would be 10/28/2002. They are laying me off. Will there be any problem with my GC processing. I have already applied for my EAD (my wife, AP for me, my wife and my daughter) renewal and the amount has been debited from my account (meaning INS has already received it).

Can my current company stop the processing. I got another job and they said that they would give me pay stubs and verification letter if necessary.

Please advice.

Thanks in advance.
You should obtain a termination letter from your current employer as a proof that it is not your intention to leave the company.
You cannot work with the new employee until the EAD is approved, or if you are now on H1 the new employee should file the H1 transfer and get the receipt.
The new position should be similar to your current position, and the salary (eventhough this is not mentioned in the law) should also be in the range as stated in your LC and/or I-140.
Good luck!
Oops. typo

The second paragraph should read:
You cannot work with the new employeR until the EAD is approved, or if you are now on H1 the new employeR should file the H1 transfer and get the receipt.

Of course if you alreade have an EAD now, you can always join the new employer.

I already have my EAD now and i have applied for my second EAD renewal. My current EAD is valid till Jan 03, 2003. I will get a letter from my current employer saying that i was laid off by them and i never left the company on my own.

Do you see any other problems. I shall get a letter from my current employer. Is there anything else that i need to get or do before i leave them.
Thanks for the advice.
U are in Good shape

With a Termination Letter and a new Job...U are going to be fine...

Just try and ensure with the new company that the job Description is similar. Also, if U can get a copy of UR Labor application, which has UR job description, it will help Ur other company in assigning U the proper Job Description..

U seem to be in pretty good shape.