Plea for Help


New Member
First accept my apologize for this unrelated thread, I believe friends would tolerate after looking the following links why thread is posted.

Note: this is pure humanitarian plea, and does not represent of any ethinic/religion or country, neither I represent to any Organization.


Many survivors of the 8 October earthquake which hit Pakistan, India and Afghanistan remain in desperate need of help

Winter is on the way

Plea, Help suffering people of South Asia Earthquake, Even your $2 do have lot of mean for those suffering and desperate people

Focus Humanitarian Assistance has been also playing a critical role in coordinating and assisting emergency relief operations in the aftermath of the earthquake which struck several parts of Pakistan on 8th October 2005.

Make a Donataion (by sending check/money order or call them)

Focus Humanitarian Assistance, USA
7777 Leesburg Pike Suite 303S
Falls Church VA 22043
United States of America
Tel: +1 703 442 3212
Fax: +1 703-442-3522

Focus Humanitarian Assistance, India
4th Floor, Warden Building, 340, Sir J.J. Road,
Byculla, Mumbai 400 008
Tel: + 91 222 300 1726 /1749
Fax: +91 22 2300 1792

A. Karim Nayani
Executive Officer
Focus Humanitarian Assistance, Pakistan
Block 14, Civic Centre, G-6, Islamabad
Tel:+ 92 51 220 1018/1134
Fax: + 92 51220 1976

Focus Humanitarian Assistance, Europe
205-209 Addiscombe Road
Croydon Surrey
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 208 654 6131
Fax: +44 208 655 1649

Focus Humanitarian Assistance, Canada
Suite 786
789 Don Mills Road
Don Mills
M3C 1T5
Tel: +1 416 423 7988
Fax: +1 416 423 4216


You may also choose from the organizations below that are responding to the earthquake or search for other related charities. Please designate your funds to "South Asia Earthquake".

Action Against Hunger
Providing food and water to victims of the earthquake.

Action Aid
Providing immediate assistance in Pakistan and India with a focus on women and children.

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
Providing food, blankets, beds, and tents for earthquake survivors.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)
Providing aid for survivors of the earthquake.

American Red Cross
Providing emergency assistance through relief supplies and specially-trained staff.

American Refugee Committee
Delivering immediate medical assistance, non-food items and supplies to survivors.

Distributing life-saving medicines and other trauma supplies to victims of the earthquake.

Architecture for Humanity
Responding to the long term rebuilding and reconstruction efforts.

Baptist World Alliance
Sending a medical team the the earthquake affected region.

Brother's Brother Foundation
Sending requested pharmaceuticals to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Assessing the scope of the disaster and planning the response in India and Pakistan.

Catholic Relief Services
Meeting the immediate needs for survivors – shelter, medicine, food, clean water.

Christian Reformed World Relief
Providing food, water and shelter in Pakistan and India.

Church World Service
Distributing relief assistance and conducting assessments.

Concern Worldwide
Bringing relief to the victims and to helping to build capacity in the areas worst affected areas.

Direct Relief International
Responding to health needs in the quake-affected countries.

Doctors without Borders
Mobilizing to provide medical assistance, blankets, water, sleeping mats and tents.

Episcopal Relief and Development
Providing emergency assistance as the specific needs are identified.

Food for the Hungry

Rushing emergency help and supplies to the survivors of the devastating earthquake.

Supporting immediate disaster relief projects and long-term rebuilding efforts.

Global Impact
Supporting immediate disaster relief and recovery projects to help those in the earthquake-affected areas.

Humanity First USA
Providing medical support, food and shelter for the victims.

International Aid

Distributing hygiene kits and portable medical clinics to meet the health care needs of victims.

International Association for Human Values
Providing disaster management, medical camps, and trauma relief camps.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Dispatching teams to assess damages and the needs of victims.

International Medical Corps
Providing immediate medical care and emergency disaster relief in affected areas.

International Relief Teams
Providing emergency medicines and medical supplies.

International Rescue Committee
Assessing immediate needs on the ground and preparing emergency response.

Islamic Relief
Providing high-priority disaster supplies to the victims.

Lions Club

Providing food, water, medicine and blankets to survivors.

MAP International
Supplying hospitals, clinics and mobile units with essential medical supplies.

Mercy Corps
Providing immediate medical help, food, shelter to thousands.

Mercy USA for Aid and Development
Helping the thousands of survivors who are now homeless.

Northwest Medical Teams
Treating victims of the earthquake.

Operation USA
Providing high-priority disaster supplies to the victims.

On the ground assessing the response effort and responding to victims.

Pakistan Relief
Providing medicine, tents and water purification equipment.

Plan USA
Coordinating relief efforts and longer-term relief and recovery requirements.

Relief International
Providing tents, blankets and food to affected populations in villages and towns.

Save the Children USA
Assisting children and families injured and left homeless from the deadly earthquake.

Sending emergency staff to distribute aid and make further assessments of the damage.

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

Sending medicine, food, water and blankets to the region.

United States Committee for UNDP
Providing relief & recovery assistance in impacted regios of Pakistan.

US Association for UNHCR
Providing urgently needed tents, blankets, stoves and other basic relief items.

World Concern
Providing food, blankets, water and tents, and airlifts to bring in emergency supplies.

World Emergency Relief
Sending all-weather, winter-proofed tents direct to house quake victims.

World Relief
Working with faith-based organizations to provide much needed assistance.

World Vision
Distributing winter tents, quilts, clothes and water containers in accessible communities.


Good Luck

Sorry to hear about that!!!

I really apologize for telling this. I was going to help something. but after seeing Diwali Delhi blast, I decided not to do anything.

Sorry again!!!
anandsbr said:
Sorry to hear about that!!!

I really apologize for telling this. I was going to help something. but after seeing Diwali Delhi blast, I decided not to do anything. Keep it for yourself

Sorry again!!!
Come-on, if you see two wounded humans one from this side and one from that side across the border, wont you help?
Please think on Humanitarian-Grounds
Not my penny

I won't spare a penny for a country who send jihadis accross the borders. Let their govt. take care.
Our n. west neighbor has been responsible for more deaths in Kashmir than this earthquake.
I would rather spare my buck for innocent kashmiri pandits who have been butchered from 2 decades and our minority appeasing govt. can't hear their plight.
I had donated once to Iran Earthquake couple of years back thru Red Crescent society as they are humane and Anti-India feelings don't run in their blood.

After New Delhi blast a big "NO" donation to pakistan:rolleyes:
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I second JISH

Yes. I would not spend a penny for those whose sponser terrorism and kill innocent hindus. I hate it.. No true hindus would even think of spending a penny for these guys... Again no true hindus... I donated enough for psunami and Kargil. I am proud of it.

Sorry PrinceofJungle...
Please don't post without reading....

Plea for Help


First accept my apologize for this unrelated thread, I believe friends would tolerate after looking the following links why thread is posted.

Note: this is pure humanitarian plea, and does not represent of any ethinic/religion or country, neither I represent to any Organization.

POJ clearly indicate as a humanitarian plea and don't make political statements, if anybody want to donate do it and no body is forcing anyone.
group of extremist'

The "group of extremist', will always discourage the noble cause of any movement, because they are not human by nature.
They make statements based on race, religion, country, borders
assur said:
The "group of extremist', will always discourage the noble cause of any movement, because they are not human by nature.
They make statements based on race, religion, country, borders.
POJ, good work, keep it up
earth is ashamed of you to have those who.....

do not offer any help to a dying human just because there freinds freinds freinds ....... did something wrong.... dont call yourslef humans!!! we all are ashame of you!!!
these are just excuses of not opening up your guys wont hesistate to spend few bucks for daruu and not for a dying human ???
insane!!! shame on you.... How would you feel if you ever meet an accident and people just pass by you and not offering you help just becuase your brother was a bad guy ??? inhumane!!! the earth is hell because of you narrow minded people....
I am adressing to htose only who think who do not want to spend money for the sake of suffering humanity....
Its the human nature, when some body did something wrong to you, and are looking for help, the first thing comes into mind is, why should I?, you did this to me in the past!!!. But they may stay for a sec, min or hour(s), and it gets faded away, and I guess nobody is that harsh. Because we are all human and have feelings.

What ever, I didn't liked the way arm5262, assur used their statements against others. Which makes others to develop hatred not the love. And at the same time, I would say to others who made the statements as the enemity between countries....., we should not see like that, and should see entirely based on the Humanitarian basis. As all of us know, the people (majority) doesn't like terrorist activities, but the political leaders are doing for their living (ofcourse that is always from the other side)
gcnation11 said:
Its the human nature, when some body did something wrong to you, and are looking for help, the first thing comes into mind is, why should I?, you did this to me in the past!!!. But they may stay for a sec, min or hour(s), and it gets faded away, and I guess nobody is that harsh. Because we are all human and have feelings.

What ever, I didn't liked the way arm5262, assur used their statements against others. Which makes others to develop hatred not the love. And at the same time, I would say to others who made the statements as the enemity between countries....., we should not see like that, and should see entirely based on the Humanitarian basis. As all of us know, the people (majority) doesn't like terrorist activities, but the political leaders are doing for their living (ofcourse that is always from the other side)
I personally hate those who bring the name of country, religion, faith in the general discussion. Those who do this dirty discussion, I use to call them Extremists., beacause they dont think before crossing the bounderies of the ethics.
Come On guys, take it easy...
There is no place in earth with out a dispute..
There is no relation ship with out a dispute....

a peny or dollar ...going either side..does not affect our countries....
These People Forget The Story Of a Hindu Sage...

Who Saved A Drowning Scorpion...

These hatred mongers (Muslims, Hindu etc.) truly do not belong to any religion. If they truly believe in any religion, they would not act and do things violating human rights. PERIOD. Al hamdu lillah, I am a muslim and I detest killing of innocent people by my enraged(terrorist) brothers. I invoke Allah's s.w.t. curse on them. But if somebody (even though capable) is refusing to help people just because of action(s) of few from them is inhumane and not kind. I am telling this to myself and to all - try not to judge or inflict punishment on people just because of their religion. Leave this duty on the Creator. Spend from (money, energy, knowledge etc.) that you have for the betterment of the society. Lest God may take it away. All that I and you have are God given. May Allah s.w.t. guide us all aright. Amen.
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tsk tsk tsk

I think one should first find out the facts before trying to shed some thoughts.....Pak has already postponed its F-16 deal....even before you suggested....Mr Knowledgeable!
I am still shocked how can my fellow hindu brothers be so cold blooded by making fun of the dying people o nthe other side of the border....By the way I am hindu and its painful to see how some of us are acting so inhumane.....
This not what is written in our "Purana" ...... that is only if you have tiem to read it.....
yo GC hunters!!! better get some education and learn to be a responsible human before you even think of getting GC....there are things that are more important than GC.....I am ashamed of those irresponsible mean selfish fellows who posted such irresponsible comments in response to a plea for a good cause....shame on you!!!! and your filthy minds....I'll wait for the day when you are dying on a road and everyone is passing by not even looking at you...why...coz thats how creatures like you should be treated!!

jay hind
a wise man always says never nurture poison animals (poison minded people), it will harm you .....its a simple common sense its nothing to do with religion or country . PAK does not have any shortage of money if their Govt really need then they can able to cancel their purchase of 50 +.. F16 fighter planes costing $40mil/each..Total cost (50 * 40) $2 billion PERIOD. here you need to study how a large part of their public money is spent at the time when the need of the money is utmost urgent ..Rather than using it for welfare of their country people, their Govt plan to use to kill people in neighboring country.

Please note there is a lot difference between postponing its F-16 deal and canceling the deal.

All my dear friends , Brothers, (terrorist) brothers lets not fight in this forum by shouting:
Al hamdu lillah, I am a muslim
violating human rights

let not bring any controversial topics in to this forum and spoil general harmony among all the members PERIOD..
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for gc@vsc

all i can say for you is :
Go to hell and have a nice life!!
This forum will be a good place for everyone ONLY if you do us a favour i.e get out of here and leave all of us alone....THANKS!!!!
Professionals or Politicians

We are all GC-Brother first of all, apart from other factors like race, religion, country of origion should be and must be avoided while posting anything.
Anyone intentionally using these factors is a politician not professional, because these are their instruments not ours.
The fight over Welfare, Help, Relief Efforts is meaningless. Those who want to help, please help and contribute. Those who do not want to help, please refrain from posting negative thoughts, because these reflect your's own image and mentality, and NOT the image/preachings of the factors mentioned above.
Thanks to remind the number F-16 etc, otherwise now-a-days I am so much involved and busy in numbers like I-140, I-485, I-765, I-131.
We do not need F-16 but speed for I-140, I-485.
YES.. United To Fight Retrogression.

Some people have plenty of time to fuss about Religion etc.
than I-XXX's. :D

assur said:
We are all GC-Brother first of all, apart from other factors like race, religion, country of origion should be and must be avoided while posting anything.
Anyone intentionally using these factors is a politician not professional, because these are their instruments not ours.
The fight over Welfare, Help, Relief Efforts is meaningless. Those who want to help, please help and contribute. Those who do not want to help, please refrain from posting negative thoughts, because these reflect your's own image and mentality, and NOT the image/preachings of the factors mentioned above.
Thanks to remind the number F-16 etc, otherwise now-a-days I am so much involved and busy in numbers like I-140, I-485, I-765, I-131.
We do not need F-16 but speed for I-140, I-485.