Plastic card


Registered Users (C)
Checked status and it shows"

On XXX 99, 9999, after approving your application, we ordered a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

My question is within how many days I will get card.

Passport stamping was done in beginning of last december
and it was Aug 01 case.

Hi, Desi:

Where do you check the status of plastic green card ? Is is on the Online status system ? I just got the approval.

Another question is: What's the rough estimate of time for receiving the card since the approval. Can anyone share the info. ?
Thank you.
There are tons of posts on your question

bud...but here goes again
For NSC approvals only (and not even NSC - local transfer approvals- these take 6 weeks)
tha approximate time of PC rcpt is 7 - 8 mos from the date of stamping .
Guys, is the receipt number same as the 485 number like LIN0122735xxx or do you get some new number when you get stamped.
Which number do you use to check the status of your plastic card?