Plastic card recd -- possible error?


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Recd my plastic card yesterday. In it, the "Permanent Resident since" date is specified as my I-140 RD (01/02/2001), although the card expiry date is correctly specified as 10/20/2014. Has anyone had this experience and is this an error that needs to be corrected?
Bright side of this error, u will be eligible for citiszenship in a year... :D
May be this is how USCIS wants to applogize you for all those agonizing delays..

budboy said:
Recd my plastic card yesterday. In it, the "Permanent Resident since" date is specified as my I-140 RD (01/02/2001), although the card expiry date is correctly specified as 10/20/2014. Has anyone had this experience and is this an error that needs to be corrected?
kailashr, I'm pretty sure that if and when I apply for citizenship, I'll be asked to fill out my GC approval date on a bunch of official forms and, even if CIS does not double check the info, I personally won't have the ba##s to knowingly fill out wrong info on those forms. So much for CIS's inadvertent effort to make it up to me for its long delay.

On the other hand, I would like to avoid the experience of being told that the card is invalid because of the wrong "PR since" date printed on it. Hence the concern. I do appreciate your thought though.
It was just a joke... :D i know how frustrating it is to go thru this because of their stupid mistake... I hope u find the answer and when you do please share it with others

Thanks and Good Luck

budboy said:
kailashr, I'm pretty sure that if and when I apply for citizenship, I'll be asked to fill out my GC approval date on a bunch of official forms and, even if CIS does not double check the info, I personally won't have the ba##s to knowingly fill out wrong info on those forms. So much for CIS's inadvertent effort to make it up to me for its long delay.

On the other hand, I would like to avoid the experience of being told that the card is invalid because of the wrong "PR since" date printed on it. Hence the concern. I do appreciate your thought though.
First congratulations for receiving the card.

I would suggest you to talk to customer service and let them know about the mistake. I hope that they will issue a corrected card soon.
my boss got the card with an earlier date as well

I personally know that my ex-boss who applied few years ago also had got a predated greencard. his case was approved in 2000 and he applied for his citizenship after 1 years or so.. since the card was predated his 5 year mark reached 1 years after his GC approval(that was sometime in 2001). He got his citizenship within a year(2002) of applying. He said that the application for citizenship was very straightforward. He applied for it all by himself.
Wrong date in Green Card

I would advise that you do not take any chances with the Citizenship application. After 09/11 everything is cross checked and if they find out the discrepancy it may be more serious than you can imagine. Better to be safe than sorry!