Planning to Start PR (Few basic questions)


Registered Users (C)
Any guidance would be helpful on following questions.
1. I was going thru the form. it seems CIC ask previous job experience letters in a very particular format along with business card of authorised signatory and I have thos letters in a very generic format. Is that a cause for concern?
2. If I file my aplication from US and later move to India before it can be processed, is it still possible to continue that application while In india. What are the options?
3. Is it good to hire a canadian immig attorney or just do it your self?

Siddhartha .
1) An experience letter must be on the official company letterhead and should atleast contain the duration of employment, salary amount and your position in the company. From your current job you should get a more detailed letter mentioning your day to day duties.

You should also provide tax returns for the years you have worked and pay stubs for the current year. The more information you provide the better. Your aim is to leave no doubt in the mind of the immigration official so that he grants you an interview waiver. Getting a generic experience letter will not help.

2) If you apply for Canadian immigraion in US and have to return to India then there are two possible outcomes:

A) You get interview waiver and after everything is complete you are asked to send your passport for the visa. The visa can only be issued by the Canadian consulate handling you case in US. So now you will have to figure out a way to send your passport from India to US. Moreover the Canadian embassy will only mail the passport back to an address in US or Canada, so you will need to provide a return address of US or Canada and then get it back to India from there.

B) You are asked to appear in an interview. In this case you have no choice but to get a visa for the US and appear in the interview. If you are unable to attend the interview your file may be transfered to India. This will increase the processing time of your application significantly.

3) The process of Canadian immigration is very simple so you should do it yourself. If you plan to do it yourself please visit the official CIC website and download the guide for Skilled worker immigration. Read this guide very carefully and follow the instructions.