PIO Card Questions..need help.


Registered Users (C)
Hi - Hoping someone can advice on the following questions in the PIO application:

3. c. Address in India (Verifiable) - I can provide my home address in India but no one lives there. Does that work?

11. Dual Nationality - I assume this is not applicable to Indians?

Both my wife and I had Indian passports. Do we still need to send copies of our parent's Indian passports?

Since we are applying by mail, I assume we need to only send notarized copies of our US passport. Is that right? I assume we need to send originals of our Indian passport if we want it to be canceled?

Appreciate your advice.
Indian Passport / PIO Question

I was an Indian citizen have my previous passport. Can I use my information for questions 13 and 14 instead of my parents? If I send in my previous Indian passport, I assume I don't need to send my parent's passport?