physical presence and GC


New Member
I have seen various questions of this topic, but none that fits my situation.
Have been an airline pilot in the USA. Lost my job and no work were to be found in the USA.
Took an airline job abroad part-time.
I spend most of the year in the USA where I have kept my residence.
My taxes are partly going to the country I work and partly I pay taxes to the US government.
Any problem with this as far as my GC and eventually if I should wish to apply for citizenship.
you are FREE and not imprisoned!

Dear SoundOfMusic,

American law says that as a Green Card holder you are a permanent resident of the United States. That means, your permanent residency has to be in the US.

America doesn't say that you are not allowed to work for a foreign company abroad!!!

You are a free person and you can do whatever you want. As you can prove that you are living in the US most of the time in a year and as you are paying taxes in America, you have maintained your residency in America. Therefore you won't have any problems when you apply for American citizenship.

By the way, pilots are not the only ones who face situations like the one you have described here. There are many more professions when employers have to travel around the world. As long as you pay at least some taxes in America and as long as your main residency is America and nowhere else, you stay a permanent resident of the US. That means, your Green Card will continue being valid.

Best regards,


You see, as JoeF confirms, you only need to declare your worldwide income. The expression worldwide reveals that you are allowed to earn money from other countries, too. And as you are a permanent resident but not a permanent prisoner of the United States of America, you are allowed to worked for any company of this world, no matter where the company is located, as long as your main residency stays in the US and as long as you declare your worldwide income in the US.



That sounds good. It is perfectly OK in your situation. But I am curious to know how you could work in another country on a part time basis and be a resident in US most of the time? :confused: