Phoenix Oath Dates


Registered Users (C)

Did anyone receive oath letters recently..? Can you please share your interview date, oath letter received dt and oath date?

Thank you.

My ID was on 3/7/07;
Oath letter: waiting...

I was just curious if you received your oath letter or if you have any information on where Phoenix DO is in scheduling oaths. My interview was on 3/15, so I am right behind you. Thanks for any and all information!
Hi ReddyKK,

I was told by the officer it will most likely be in April/May timeframe.. Still waiting..will post as soon as i get any info..

I have a question for you --> what was checked on your Interview results form? For me, she checked Tests passed and then Pending box.. When I asked why pending, she said it's a standard procedure and she has to pass it by QC and that she will recommend my case for approval..

Thank you.
Thanks for the info!

I was told the same - the oath will be in April/May timeframe.

As far as the form 652, it was interesting: my wife and I went to different IO's. My IO checked "A", which means "Congratulations ...", while my wife's IO checked "B", which means "decision cannot be made at this time". My wife didn't see it until she came out and we asked the security guard about the difference. He was nice enough to go inside and talk to my wife's IO; he came out and said the interview is basically done and it's a "standard" procedure to check B (obviously, they didn't follow that standard in my case!). I am guessing that my IO was probably more experienced and didn't need to have someone verify her work.

Good luck!
Thanks for sharing your info. My officer was an older lady, Ms. M.Koller... I will post as soon as I get it.. Please do the same if you hear any latest..

Does anyone have any info on the gap between interview and oath dates in Phoenix DO?

SudhaK - have you received your oath information yet?

My ID: 3/15/07
Oath: no notification yet
No Oath letter yet..

hi Reddy,

No letter yet, still waiting. looks like Phoenix DO is one of the worst, too bad for us.. on my interview day and that time, there were not many in the waiting room.. so not sure, why so much delay.. From one of the past phoenix threads, one member received Oath letter a month after the interview and it was scheduled a month later... Given that, I should have received by now but no info.. Just thinking if a Infopass appt with our DO might give me any update or is it just a waste of time..?

anyways, please share if you have any latest..
Me and my wife went for an interview togather despite having differnt timings,mine was in the morning,hers was in the afternoon,but IO were kind enough to take us at the same time in the morning it was a pleasent experience @ Phoenix USINS Office, in 15 mins we were done,people were nice
PD 15th NOV. 06
FP 1ST week of DEC.
IO told us we should get Oath letter in 5 to 6 weeks

I applied for my kids @ same time, they are already became a citizen
i think phx takes little longer than other centers
Well, my wife and I finally got oath letters, about five weeks after the interview. Our oath is scheduled for May 18th.

We are planning to travel out of the country in summer, so we are going to postpone our oaths. Can anyone confirm that we should send the letter requesting postponement to the Phoenix DO and not to the CSC? Any specific address we should send to?

Oath letter recvd

received oath letter yesterday and it's scheduled for May 16th morning in Ahwatukee..close to my place :)

Good luck to y'all..

Priority Date: 9/12/06
Application received date on web site as 9/14/06
FP date: 9/28/2006
Interview Letter recvd date: 1/24/07
Interview Date: 3/7/07
Online status: still there as received and pending
Oath Letter recvd date: Apr 28 2007
Oath date: May 16 2007
Online status: still there as received and pending