Phoenix, AZ - 6 mo to USC


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

Just became USC today along with my wife. What an Honor.

Total process time was Nov 7, 2004 to May 20, 2005 . We both had name change. also did an FOIPA request in jan.

Question: Is Dual citizenship restarted by India or should I apply right away for 5 yr multiple visa? what are you all who cleared in the last few months
doing? thanks!

Phoenix AZ
-anyone interested in the details of my case let me know.

I dont think dual citizenship is being offered right now. PIO or multiple entry are your only options I guess. Can you share your timeline. Also share your experience regarding sending in your Indian passport. I mean do they return you the passports after cancelling or its kept by the consulate.

So 10yr multiple it is then.

Ravirai, here is my timeline:

1) eligible -- Nov 4 2004 (5yrs - 90 days)
2) sent 2 x N400 -- Nov 7 2004
3) no receipt notice
4) fp notice -- Nov 26, 2004
5) fp done -- Dec 3 2004
6) faxed FOIPA x2 -- Jan 11 2005
7) FOIPA reply -- Jan 27 2005 (no records found)
8) Interview notice -- Feb 14, 2005
9) Interview -- April 25, 2005
10) Oath -- May 20, 2005

Interview experience:
Showed up 15 mins early for 10:40am appt (my wife's was at 11:20) with my 8 mo old daughter. pleasantly surprised that interview was in a neat downtime bldg just for citizenship in an upscale mall with starbucks and restaurants nearby. cool. lots of cameras monitoring the plain white painted bland empty downstairs, up the elevator. like entering the MIB office. The 2 security guys were loaded, ready to handle bin laden himself. they acted so serious, spoke flat, moved like cybercops. the only expression was an eyebrow lifted when going into my wife's purse that was funny. proof that no one can escape the wonder called a lady's handbag mess. :D

The 30 odd waiting hall had about 6 candidates. On my turn i went into a double door into a private office of "Mr Howell" who was retired from INS in 1996 going by the retirement plaque on the wall. Polite handshake, but no eye contact, no greetings. a few clicks on his pc. Then asked me about my name change. Asked me to fill about 3-4 forms incl some related to name change. Requested me to write my full (present) name not a signature since my original sig is like noodles. Next , gave me a paper with 20 US civics questions, and asked me read the question, give the answer and move down the list till asked to stop. I did fine for the first 10. To the next question "why did the pilgrims come to america I answered "freedom" so he asked me what kind of freedom. I said personal. hmmm, can you be more i said religious?, he said that;s it. said that's enough. Write this sentence (really stumped me with this one: "He went out for a walk with his big dog") must have made it up on the spot. Did more computer data entry, and finally gave me a piece of paper that ticked off "congratulations you appear to have met all requirements for citizenship" from a list of 15 things to tick. All done in 15 minutes.

came out and my wife went in. similar experience except he stopped her after the first mistake she made (she did not know who said "give me liberty or give me death")

Oath Experience:
10am at Federal court but letter asked to show up at 815am. took away the greencard, briefly showed the NAt cert to check name change, spelling etc and asked to sit in the chairs alloted. Asked if my 6yr old son would be able to administer pledge of allegience to the new candidates. at 10 sharp judge so and so (a bancruptcy judge from a nearby court requested to preside today) comes in, with clerk gavel pounding "All rise". he asks everyone to sit. he sits afterwords. first thing, he explains the standing up part- "its is not for me but for the majesty of the law, the land and for justice" . cool. then things happen by agenda. one or 2 videos? at very low volume. oath delivered by my son and 2 other kids to us. a few one minute emotional speeches by candidates. at the end the clerk came up to where you are sitting and gives the certificate. One more video. court ends formally with judge concluding motion to grant citizenship. bam ( gavel). we all asked to file out to end the legal motion. family gallerey stay put. Then we come back for photo ops with the US flag and the judge. All over in 45 minutes maybe 1hr. That was it, w'ed become citizens.