PHEW! BOSTON INS giving EAD and AP on same day again


Registered Users (C)
Alright guys!

This is for sure. THis is my story......
Got up at 4:30 this morning, showered changed and drove to boston with my wife.
Got onto I-93 at 6:00 in the morning and got stuck in traffic. Wow how much earlier do i need to go. Any ways, parked at a $18 per day lot and ran to the JFK building, 7:00am.... There was alread a big queue outside and this to the side enterance. Got into the building 7:30am.
got 3 tokens for EAD renewal for my self and 2 Ap's for wife and myself. the also give a notice that EAD and AP will not be given the same day and if we do not hear from them in 30 days come back to the office.
Miss jenkins or what ever her name was is walking around ignoring every one in the room. Finally she calls the first person, takes his documents and vinishes. THis process takes close to an hour.
Its close to 8:30 and no sign of Miss jinkens.
People are getting irritated and so am I.
Suddenly they announce that all officers are called for a meeting immidiately......
So now all the officers are gone for another hour or so. Crap this is getting worse.....
Anyways they come back and realize that there are too many people so 2 more booths open to take EAD and AP's. I start to feel better and Miss jenkins decides to take another break. GOD she is soooooooo F*&^%$n slow.
By 11:00 they accepted 10 to 12 applications, but there was some hope as these people were asked to collect their EAD right away. I talk to some of them and they are not sure how they were getting the EAD the same day.
Now its close to 12:00pm.With nothing happening, they decide to take the applications all together, and suddenly the line is moving a lot faster.
I submit my forms and am asked to be seated and my name will be called. I ask her what is happening. SHE SAYS THEY HAVE THIS CHECK TO DO ISBS, AND IF THERE IS A PROBLEM CASE WILL BE SENT TO INS VERMONT, ELSE WE SHOULD GET EAD AND AP THE SAME DAY.
45 minutes later (1:20) i am called and asked to pay the fee and get the ead renewal done. At the same time AP would take a little longer as they were pringting out a bunch of AP's together.
PHEW! those words sounded so good.
Paid the fee, got the picture taken got new EAD. Surrendered old ead.
Soon the Ap's were ready and our names were called out. Collected the AP's and were out of the building by 3:00 pm.
took for ever but i am so extatic. I had my tickets et all ready for next month.

Remember guys INS boston stops accepting people at 12:00 pm.

I am all set.
Hope this helps you all.
Dont know when rules will change, but my guess is that the rule changed last thursday and they had no idea how to address the issue, hence they sent every one back. They are up and running again, but for how long i dont know.

Good luck to all
Fisa:D :D :D :cool: :cool:
good news for boston folks!

enjoy the freedom of getting a EAD's before your current ones expire....

enjoy the freedom of getting a quick AP for your december travels....

Thanks for bringing such good news! You are lucky! Did you anyone who get new EAD done today? what's ISBS in your post "SHE SAYS THEY HAVE THIS CHECK TO DO ISBS, AND IF THERE IS A PROBLEM CASE WILL BE SENT TO INS VERMONT, ELSE WE SHOULD GET EAD AND AP THE SAME DAY". How do you tell the problemed 485? like concurrent filing? Thanks again!

x admin

my wife and i were the first two numbers called. (602 & 603)
they DID NOT give us APs.
I was shaking tickets, trying to explain . . . nothing helped.
they pretty much told me to go screw myself.
I'm Now Screwed = INS.

Fisa, are you joking???
I am not kidding

Dr_hangup, I am not kidding.
I was token 641,642 and 643.

When i talked to the officer, she said if my case is straight forward and they find no issues with my records i should be set. I guess i was luck to get the Advance parole. I did talk to another Indian couple how got their AP today.
I am guessing some thing changed after the Meeting.

x admin: ISBS check is a back ground check they have introduced. They have a central data base to check if you have had any problems earlier. the check is no big deal. I guess if you are a felon you have problems.

Jenkis the old lady is useless and slow.

Hope this helps
EAD Renewal Boston

Till now i was silent visitor. I appreciate all those who r running this site efficiently. Seeing somewhere in this site that boston ins office is no longer renewing ead on the same day , we rushed to boston office. Our eads r expiring on december 1st & also as we have recieved rfe we were worried. We reached ins office by 6.50 a.m today. There was a very long queue. we were in by 7.40a.m. First the officer who gives tokens, confirmed that ins is no longer renewing ead on the same day. Fortunately, we got our eads renewed by 2.00p.m. Long long wait. Thanks to God! What i infered from this is that if we file case from boston office they'll renew on the same day.(also i suppose the alien # should start with Alphabet "A"). I am not sure in which cases they'll renew on the same day.

maybe you guys were lucky because yours were renewals.
my case was not complicated at all. I had EAD issued by Boston INS last year. I had all the documentation. I begged them to help me out. I had two nonrefundable tickets . . .
i think if you ask them something they'll screw you, so don't ask and then you still have a chance.
PS: i don't know what the name was but i was "serviced" by an old lady (if you can call that service)
Hang in there

I think you all should see your Ap's soon in the mail.
good luck