Personal question


Registered Users (C)
I am curious to know if anyone here or friends of people on this board have used an Internet site to find a spouse.

I am trying to find the potential of the Net for these purposes.

If yes, please also provide details of site names. Do people pay for the services? Are most people at the free/paid site serious?
Do people use it for themselves or are more parents involved?

Believe it or not I found my would be spouse on net.
I got replies mostly from pepole on . I guess this is the best site if you are looking for a girl in USA itself.

However I found my spouse on Her brother who is also in USA had advertised and after a few e-mails he gave me e-mails of his sister. We talked and chatted for hrs. I was in NJ and she was in phoenix. I flew over to Phoenix thrice and we finally decided to marry.

Apart from that there is

However I suggest This has most ad from NRIs and mostly directly from candidiates. You can put your details without a charge and everyone can see your details but if you want to communicate with some one or the vice versa one of you has to be a full member for which you have to pay something.
If in your details you write your e-mail id the software would catch that and delete that. You can wirte like " e-mail me at yahoo my id is patiencegc" instead of writing

Good luck !

I used to seriously look at matrimonial sites as my I-485 was filed already but married not via these sites.
I am a south indian and so used to look at
1. which is just $15 for 3/6 months and they have telugu/tamil/kannada sites etc.
3. (this site sucks. Very expensive close to $60 & they do not allow direct communication and dont respond too.)

however, there are a lot of parents browsing all the 3 sites.
I also posted my cousins(she) details once.

Responses are mixed both from boys/girls side. Some are really serious to get their daughters married. Some delay.
I some how came to a conclusion at the end that if you are here and looking for a girl in India, it is always better the good old way of referrals from family members if time is not a constraint.

Unfortunately for the guys in US every decision is based on time, current project, GC..

my observation...
I can lend you my little black book.
Which volume do you want?
I would recommend Chicken's Chicks Volume III, E-H, post-meridian.

According to me, marriage is a big mistake. I would not recommend anyone committing it knowingly. You will be swept into some stream and by the time you realise where you are, it will be too late. No looking back and keep moving. Too many compromises. You loose your identity.
Man !! Frustrating..
Anyways, it is your wish !!:D

It is also a good site.

BTW, just like lamborghini said, try asking people out on a date. Don't get disappointed by NO. You got to work like a seasoned salesman. You have to be closing all the time! Be aggressive!

"A sale is always made. Either you sell yourself to the girl or the girl sells you the reason why she can't go out for a date with you."

It worked for me. It does help for sure.
Anita Gupta

Originally posted by Anita Gupta
No recommending me. However, you can win me in a game of pool against my boyfriend if you like.

Bring him on,
Bring him on.

;) :p :D
you are on AG

When it comes to pool I play cut throat :)
Your BF isnt good with the stick and heard he scratches often!

I disagree Roran

All man must Marry......
Afterall Happiness is not the only thing in Life

no one can stop anyone from this. People commit the mistake and then realise.

I guess the people over here are in a mood to get married(youthful) and I guess I am an odd one out here. I think I will refrain myself from posting in this forum until I get approved, as all my messages will be depressing.
Happy dating !!;) :eek:
I should warn you guys that he has beaten the #7 player in the world and won many tournaments, even did that for a living for 3 years :p
Originally posted by Anita Gupta
I should warn you guys that he has beaten the #7 player in the world and won many tournaments, even did that for a living for 3 years :p

Wondering it comes to US Pool or UK Snooker of the #7 ur BF beated?
Dont know if i should feel happy or sad

Its cool that u are dating an American....
but why the F**k do Americans dip into the desi pool. The resources are too limited as it is!:(

Now I understand you are a hot chick but you can find a hot desi guys... which would free up an Average desi chick for the rest of us.
Re: Dont know if i should feel happy or sad

Originally posted by patienceGC
Its cool that u are dating an American....
but why the F**k do Americans dip into the desi pool. The resources are too limited as it is!:(

Now I understand you are a hot chick but you can find a hot desi guys... which would free up an Average desi chick for the rest of us.


Dont you mean that he should find an American Chick, so that AG would become available:D :D :D