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PERM and DV in parallel?


Registered Users (C)
My husband is pursuing his greencard via PERM process with his company. His company advised that they will start advertising in Febuary. I won the DV2006 and my number should become current probably in April or May.

We really didn't want to stop the PERM process since the DV is not 100% guaranteed.

My questions are:
- is there any step in the PERM process that will jeopardize DV2006? Like he is to far into this process and can't leave the US or some approval will overlap?
- should we just keep quiet and advise his company once we return from CP or tell them before they start advsertising?

On a different topic:
- in case we don't get the immigrant visa at the interview will they then re-new our H1B visa stamp? (still have 3 more years on notice of action but stamp in passport expired?) Do we need to setup a separate appointment for H1B just in case?
