Pending Review and Processing Resumed Discussion


Registered Users (C)
I think that Pending Review mesg means the initial FP report from
FBI has been received and INS has not reviewed it yet.

The Processing resumed mesg probably means the initial FBI report and FP
quality is OK. It does NOT mean the final report/detailed background checks
from FBI/other agencies has been received and the case is adjudication ready.

This is my 2 cents. Your opinions are welcome.
GreenDesi ,

There was a discussion sometime back on the same topic . I think " pending review " means INS received all information required but not yet reviewed the information it received and then "processing resumed " means review of the information received by INS is over and the case is waiting to be assigned to an officer . I also suggested at one point that approvals could be based on RD and processing resumed... message . But somebody on this forum posted that avm messages are unreliable and in about 30% of cases seem to be out of sync .
Saab ...

But recently people get \'processing resumed\' as early as
3-4 days after FP. I doubt if the case becomes adjudication ready
so fast!
GreenDesi ,

You may be right . Reasoning behind my comment was it took me a month from fp to processing resumed . I did manual fp . May be that could be a reason .