PD 9/97, RD 9/99 and ND 10/99 !!!

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You are not alone.

Our detail:
EB1 (china)
PD: 5/98
RD: 9/99
ND: 11/99
RFE: issued on 1/17/01 according to AVM, received on 4/16/01 after a thousand of calls regarding employer letter. NSC received on 5/2/01 (AVM)
We are still waiting...
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pd 10/97, eb3, India NSC , RD 9/99, ND 10/99 NO RFE Called up INS 2 times they said that my case under review. She refused to give any details. Don\'t know what is happening. My Lawyer sent an enquiry letter to INS

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Talk to your local congrassman or senator immediately. I think INS screwed up your file. My case is pretty much like yours except i am EB3 china. Got approved yesterday (5/30/01) after talked to Senator two weeks ago.
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I talked to congressman last 2 weeks back then they said my application went to officer then i got avm message yesterday saying they send RFE on 05/30/01. But i didn\'t recieve till now then i don\'t no what it is... Does any body know do i get copy of RFE or only attorney gets.....How many days it is taking once if i send RFE details to INS....
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The RFE will only be send to your attorney.
Expect to get approval in a week after INS receives your RFE detail.

-- OverOverOver
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I called this Tuesday and the officer told me that our cases have been sent to the examiner\'s mail-box last Thursday and we should expect the decision in two weeks. At this moment, do you think we still need to contact local senator or congrassman? Could you let me know the details of your case and how you contact your local congrassman? Thank you very much for any input.
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my details:
Pd: 12/98
RD: 04/2000
ND: 05/2000
FP: 01/2001
RFE: AVM says that a RFE was mailed on may 22, have no idea what it is yet. I am sure its lost in the mail just like my FP notice. The only reason I went to FP office was that My husband got teh FP notice even though I am the primary applicant. Called INS 2 time(hit two times when I tried 100 times!!) and both times they said I should wait!! the address that they said they mailed it too is correct, then I have no idea why?? Is there anybody out there who\'s RFE was lost in teh mail?? and what did you do to get the info, and what is the min number of days we have to send back the response??
I hope there is sombody out there who knows!!
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well, it will be your personal decision. But I don\'t think it hurts anything if you contact your Congrassmen or Senator.

1) Find your Congrassman or Senator name, office address, email, phone and fax number from the web;

2) write a VERY detailed letter for your case. Either email or fax ( they prefer fax) to their office;

3) make a phone call to them 2-3 days after to follow up;

4) usually every senator has a desinated officer to handle the immigration issues.

5) They usually will fax your letter with Senator\'s letter head to INS

6) By the law, INS has to response to Senator or Congrassman in 30 days;

7) After 2 weeks, if you have not hear anything from Congrassman or Senator, make a follow up call to them.

8) Trust me, calling them is much easier and useful than calling IIO.

9) Every INS service center has an office to handle this kind of requests from congrassman or senator. So they have a desinated phone number to call INS, of course you won\'t get that number.

Hope above info helps.

-- OverOverOver
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EB3, PD-07/18/98, RD - 10/13/99, I got RFE, I sent those documents, Its saying it will take 0 days now in AVM.
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I just checked the AVM and it says 0 days. PD - 9/98 (just got current in june), RD-8/99, ND-9/99, RFE (BC) - AVM updated on 1/3/01. It did say 60 days about a month or so back when I checked the AVM. Please post if you guys do recieve anything.

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I got RFE on 05/30/01. this is my RFE. I am not sure what shall i do
1.    Your medical examination must be taken back to the doctor to be signed by the doctor.  Apparently the doctor gave you a copy of the examination and the INS is requesting the original signature from him. 
2.    A current employment letter stating your job title and salary
3.    A copy of all employment authorization documents since the filing of the I-485.  The INS also included some verbage about filing the supplement and paying the $1,000 penalty if you have been out of status but that is not the case since you have obtained an EAD without going out of status.
By the way, the INS has issued the same RFE (Request for Evidence) for your wife.