PCee, Bongo, anyone - Is letter from employer required for PP Stamping?


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I heard from some people that one should carry an Employment Verification Letter from the employer at the time of passport stamping. The paralegal just told me that it is not necessary. However, I know people who insisted on it and made it a point to carry it with them just in case.

Any thoughts?
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Perhaps not

But, I had a collegue of mine who had insisted with the paralegals to give her a letter from the company. She took it with her when she went for PP stamp.

I guess we don\'t need it.
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Surprised to notice you answering your own question :)

Can such questions be avoided to have more sensible posting here.
Sorry, if this sounds rude.
Hey leave pump alone ...

Damn foreigners, always mouthing off :)

Pump, welcome to the 3rd rate citizens club
(1st rate citizens are native born Americans)
(2nd rate, naturalized citizens)
(3rd rate, GC holders)
No hard feelings

You are getting personal man! No hard feelings!

I am sorry, but who gave you the right to ask such questions on this board? As I mentioned in the other thread that this board is open for all. Anybody and everybody is welcome to use this and share their experiences with the forum. You are getting out of your limits. Keep your body-parts in your pants or you will certainly loose them :)
I don\'t have any intention to hurt any feelings over here. Hope you got my point.
Take Care.
The question was perfectly valid

Thanks desigirl for sharing the info. It\'s people like Visnhu who spoil the decorum on these discussion boards. We used to have lot more sane voices here. Sometimes I wish that CIBA was still around. He/She had a soothing effect on everyone. Perhaps, the sluggish economy is taking its toll on people.

No hard feeelings. Let us close this thread as it is not helping any one. But, we don\'t need anyone trying to control what gets discussed on the board. I hope that sanity prevails. If not, the doors to the shrinks are always open.

Vishnu, I wish you luck. I hope that you get your approval and disappear once and for all.
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vishnu, as somebody else noted you have a foul mouth. I pity you...

you must have had a really harsh upbringing. it is never too late to acquire more polish.
Here is my 2c worth...


I guess the answer depends on how safe you want to play it! In the approval letter INS will list all the required documents that need to be carried for stamping, and one can ask for any missing ones before stamping. I don\'t think some one at that point of time will ask you some thing like "employment letter" when it is not mentioned in the list of document. On the other side I guess INS can question any one at any time about the validity of GC if they suspect any fraud.

But taking employment letter from your employer (on the name of stamping) may be a good idea. It\'s just another document in your GC file which says (officially) that as per your employer at the time of GC stamp you are still working in that GC job or atleast that GC job is still there. Later because of any reason (may be while applying for citizenship) if there is any question of fraud then this letter could be somewhat helpful.

Good luck
Pump, even though it may not be required I would say get it if you can...

If it does not delay your stamping too much, just do it. Who knows with INS. I plan to ask my employer to send me an employment letter as soon as I hear about my approval on the AVM. That way by the time I get the approval notice I should have the employment letter also. I wouldn\'t present it unless the stamping officer asks me for it. I know then there is no end to the list of documents to carry. I would carry my whole I-485 file with me. I might feel silly doing that but atleast my mind will be at peace. My 2 cents.