Pcc Urgent


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I am Scheduled for IV interview at new delhi in December. From year 1984 to 1987 (ages 16 to 18 yrs) I lived in Dubai. Currently I have been trying to get PCC from UAE embassy and Duabi but unsuccessful as they keep on asking for new documents everytime and i have spent 3 months without any success. my question is:
1.should I go to Duabai personally and try to get PCC???

2.What if I am unable to get it???

3.should I appear for interview without getting one????
4. Do I need to go to Dubai or will New Delhi overlook this PCC???

Please respond ASAP
Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.
Do you have anyone in dubai who can assist you and following up on your application. Do you have proof that you are trying to get the PCC.
If i was you i would go to the interview without the PCC for dubai and not mention it.
Worst case scenario would be they ask you to come back with the PCC at a latter date. Then you can make the travel.

Was the stay in dubai continuous?

BTW are you in the US or india. I know it takes a couple of weeks to get a UAE PCC from the US. Let me know
Originally posted by newdelhigc
I am Scheduled for IV interview at new delhi in December. From year 1984 to 1987 (ages 16 to 18 yrs) I lived in Dubai. Currently I have been trying to get PCC from UAE embassy and Duabi but unsuccessful as they keep on asking for new documents everytime and i have spent 3 months without any success. my question is:
1.should I go to Duabai personally and try to get PCC???

{This is something you need to decide for yourself.
But may not be necessary.}

2.What if I am unable to get it???

{The Consulate may not waive this requirement. }

3.should I appear for interview without getting one????

{Are you ready to take the risk??}
4. Do I need to go to Dubai or will New Delhi overlook this PCC???

{Again the Consulate may not waive this requirement}

Please respond ASAP

{my responses}


thanks for all your reply
UAE embassy had verbally informed me of rough procedure which eventually led to getting my finger prints locally, notarized and the certified by state secretary and finally by colin powell!!!! took a few weeks then UAE embassy just put their stamp and asked me to get PCC directlly from dubai......I've tried thru some contacts but failed.....finally as a last resort I've decided to go to the slow retrard Arabs myself. I have all the documentations and receipts. My question is
1. can I make a case of unobtainable PCC based on above facts???
2. My lawyer informs me that if I am asked to produce PCC I can ask for a later date and still be able to return to US on my valid H1B...is that possible????
please respond ASAP

You know what, I just obtained a PCC from the UAE using a much shorter procedure and was about to list the steps you need to go through to obtain one, but stopped short when I saw your racist comment "retrard Arabs."

If you have this kind of sick mentality then you definetly do not belong to America and deserve no green card. America is a place for open-minded people and not for Racists. Your comment will be reported to the UAE embassy in DC. Good luck on getting your PCC.

Learn how to spell such a word before you use it :eek:

thanks for all your answers. here's my story in brief. UAE embassy has no guidelines for giving out PCC. On my own I discovered how to get finger printed, notarized, attested by secretary of state and then by Mr. Colin Powell's office!!!! after all that was done UAE embassy just puts their little stamp and tells me to take it to Dubai.....I have tried thru some friends in dubai without any success. My question:
1 Can I debate a case of UNOBTAINABLE PCC based on my struggle for 3 months???

2. My lawyer tells me that if the US embassy asks for it, I can get it at a later date but that does not stop me from coming back to US on my valid H1B...is that true??

3. Will my case be delayed if I go to Dubai personally to try and get this PCC??? (I am not muslim)
please respond asap
hi syriano:

I would be interested in knowing the steps for obtaining PCC from Dubai. Would really appreciate it if you could list them down so that many others can benefit from your information sharing.

I am sure newdelhigc did not mean what he wrote! I have also in the past said and done things I really do not mean! I am sure you also understand!

here is the procedure

Go to your police station local and get finger prints done.
Send prints To us State deptarmnet of authentication number is 202 647 5002. After you get them authenticated. Email is aoprgsmauth@state.gov

Call UAE emabassy at 202 243 2416 . They told me it takes 3 days from them.

I think newdelhigc comments was directed towards the official handling the PCC and not to the Arabs in general. BTW i feel the same about our govt officials or workers too. I can understand his frustration pretty damn well cause i had to get one for my wife too. So quit the child like behavior and don't take anything to heart. We are here to help one another. I sure you got alot of help from this website and hope you would give some back.
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