PCC from Houston consulate general of india


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,
Could anyone please post their experience in getting a PCC from Houston CGI(Consulate General of India)

I have applied for my PCC and its been 40 days now. But havent heard back anything from them. I tried contacting them, but the person in charge of the PCC services is never at her desk. It just keeps going on voice mail. I have left message but no one ever calls back.

Any suggestions?

A Sharma
Since it has been 40 days send your passport with a cover letter that you are sending your passport to get PCC and to get the passport stamped based on the application you made 40 days back. You will get your passport + pcc back in a week.
Apart from the suggestion above, the other option is, if you
can personally go to Houston, CGIs Office, then you can give
your passport in the morning and get it back in the afternoon
with the stamping and the PCC.

it was the same case with me too. I kept calling and got hold of someone. But you have to keep calling them. Sometimes they pick up the phone thinking that it is a personal call.

I also try to choose different options instead of picking the same extension. When they pick the phone up then I let them what I am looking for.

Its sad that the Indian consulate does not respond.

I called the German embassy to ask whether I need transit visa on my way thru frankurt (Me, having only a valid h1 and my wife having a h4. all of our perivious i-94 s and visa are expired). I was amazed to see the telephone options they have to answer these questions and I was also able to talk to a representative too. BTW we dont need a transit visa as long we have a valid h1 and h4.

With so many Indians living here, we might a consular service like that.

With all the hastles in getting things done, the consular general forgot to sign on the 'Include spouse's name in passport' request. What a bummer!!

I have to send them back the passport spending another 15$ freekin' dollars.
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I got my PCC from Houston Consulate. I (actually my wife) gave my passport to the consulate.

After a week or so, they called us back to collect PCC and passport.

I think, it is always better to go there in person and literally sit with them and clear out all the issues you have.

Atleast being in Houston, we have that luxury.

Is there a "special technique" to get through to someone at CGI Houston ?! I was trying to reach them the entire day today and even left a couple of voicemails and sent an email too....but no use.
I know there are 2 phone #'s 713-626-2148 and 2149 and for PCC we need to select option#2, besides do you guys know any other # or other means. I find this absolutely ridiculous.

Originally posted by RK_0629

Is there a "special technique" to get through to someone at CGI Houston ?! I was trying to reach them the entire day today and even left a couple of voicemails and sent an email too....but no use.
"special technique" = persevarance :rolleyes: :eek:
I was able to reach them once yest. All the other times the person was not on the deks.

I need more info today, but called them a couple of times still not there. :rolleyes:
Sorry for posting immediately. I realized the cons. might still be open in houston, so I tried and hit the jackpot.

Here is some of my answers, if it helps anybody.

:) It is $15 for return by courier (for all p/p)
:) The fee is $11 (not $20 as on the form) per passport. So 2 p/p total is 37
:) You have to send your passport. (I was not sure how is it provided. Cause read in the forum somwhere that it is a stamp on p/p and/or a certificate)
:) You have to have your pic. on the form
:) If your p/p was issued from houston recently, it will take 1 week including the mailing time
:) If your p/p was issued in India (even recently) it will take 1 month.
For my PCC.. I called them many times and talked to them atleast 5 times.. everytime they respond ( if they picked up the phone) "you willl egt PCC in 6-8weeks and disconnected." Then What i did was.. I called them and told them (with high voice and low speed :) that.." I am calling for very very imporant matter.. please donnot hang up until I clarified my doubt. Then told them the matter. and this time they connected to a person inside the cosulate .. initially he told me... he has not recieoved my application. then he found my application and explained me the procedure to get the PCC. Once they consider your applciaiton ( normally after 2 weeks they got it in mail) .. they will fax your case to respective passport office in India and wait for 1 month to get the reply. If didnot get the reply in a month, they will issue the PCC right away. They will tell you a refrence number if they have already fax the info to India . Get that number and contac local passport office in India to speed up processing.

I was feelign so sad in the way Indian consulates are working.
I called them 20 times yesterday (yeah precisely 20 times!!) and finally close to lunch they did pick the phone and I explained my case and to my surprise (in fact I was shocked to see such a quick response) a lady called me back close to 4:30 PM and confirmed that I could send my passport for stamping- she left voicemails twice!!!
Well it seems th only way to reach them is keep calling till someone picks up the phone.

Good luck!

Well thats why Alexander Graham Bell discovered the phone and then someone else came up with th brilliant idea of having a REDIAL button on that phone! It does help to have a redial button!
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Actually RK had the "Ambulance" button on the phone reprogrammed for for the Houston cons.:D
No, actually it was the Fire Station, alren! And they thought it was the local fire dept calling!!

Anyway, hope my experience helps others seeking PCC from Houston Consulate. Of late it has become impossible to reach them and I guess the only way is to keep trying till someone responds.


What happened happened...I felt happy that you got thru and will be getting your PCC next week.
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Pleasant experience at DC

I had a very very pleasant experience at the Indian Embassy in DC

I had gone for getting BC for my wife and dad. My wife's app was complete whereas the photos for my dad's application was missing.

I requested the lady if she can issue a BC for my dad as well and she said, she will try. In the evening, I was pleasantly surprised when I got both BC's.

The lady was also telling e'one to check the contents of the visa/certs etc for any errors.

Professional, prompt and polite service at DC.

When you say BC I am guessing you are suggestin birth certificate! Is that right!

Why did you need BC for? Just a FYI..If you got BC from Indian Embassy for your CP interview then BC issued by Indian embassy is not accepted by consulates as a proof of date of birth since BC issued by Embassy is based on date of birth in the passport which is a secondary form of evidence, hence not accepted!

Let us know why you got the BC...so that we can clarify!
Hi Kdivekar

Appreciate your reply. Thanks to you folks, I was aware of the problem.

I was hoping to get the BC issued by the municipal authorities based on the BC issued by the Indian Embassy.

So, this is why I needed the BC issued by the Indian Embassy.

This seem to work as the municipal authorities are ok with any govt issued doc signed with a green ink;-)

Many thanks