patterns for VSC-TSC cases


Registered Users (C)
I called in TSC to speak with one IO. though I couldn't get my case resolved.

UNfortunately she told me that the trasnfered cases are processed seperately. the processing date reported each month doen't apply to us. they do assign the cases to IO for review first based on RD. because there are so many transfered cases and only limited IO for these people need to wait. They are trying to procees within 6 months after trans date.

So finally she said the processing time for transferede case should be 6 months beginning the trans. date. So my caes is in the processing date.

PD July 2002, EB2
RD Aug 2004
transf.D: 3/7/2007
I also got same response

I pointed to IO that cases should be processed based on PD (and not RD or local TSC / trasnfer cases etc. ) but then she said that she can help it and need to wait for 180 days from transfer.
Once current allocated cases are done, then they will work on based on RD (no PD)
Once it reaches the 485 stage, processing based on RD makes sense. Suppose a 485 is filed (let's call it case A) and has been pending for a couple of years, by which time it has already been through 90% of the steps it needs. Then along comes a new 485 application (case B) with an older PD than case A. At this point we cannot expect case B to be approved before case A just because B has an older priority date.

But what does NOT make sense is processing original TSC cases before transferred cases. The TSC cases with 2005/2006 RDs should be set aside while the transferred cases with RD 2003/2004 are processed. The transfered cases would have already had some processing done on them when they were at VSC, so they should not be treated as if they were filed fresh at TSC in March.
Once it reaches the 485 stage, processing based on RD makes sense. Suppose a 485 is filed (let's call it case A) and has been pending for a couple of years, by which time it has already been through 90% of the steps it needs. Then along comes a new 485 application (case B) with an older PD than case A. At this point we cannot expect case B to be approved before case A just because B has an older priority date.

But what does NOT make sense is processing original TSC cases before transferred cases. The TSC cases with 2005/2006 RDs should be set aside while the transferred cases with RD 2003/2004 are processed. The transfered cases would have already had some processing done on them when they were at VSC, so they should not be treated as if they were filed fresh at TSC in March.

Agree overwhelmingly. Especially after they beat the drums stating that this was an internal USCIS matter which would not affect applicants. Moreover the transfer notices stated "to speed up processing". Moreover, this is NOT our fking problem...we did not ask to be transferred. Why make it our problem?
I sent a note to the CIS Ombudsman...I am sure others did too...I sent mail (USPS) on June 18th...I haven't had a response yet. In the interest of full disclosure, besides bringing the transfer woes to light, I also requested assistance with the case (Case Problems), bemoaning the fact that it should have long been adjudicated.
Lastly, I am very glad for the folks getting approved, but it does not explain the sheer absence of EB2 approvals..or EB1 for that matter...isn't the flow EB1->EB2->EB3? Or does that only matter for visa number counts by country? I guess its the latter...but you'd think they'd at least bother with some EB2 cases (just to shut us up)....
Also, I see fellow VSC transferee bretheren being does one explain that!?!?!? You'd think they'd be in the same (being processed, call after 6 months) boat?
Jeez...I think if we start looking for logic with the process, we'd all end up in the nuthouse...not that I'm not close....
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You are a good guy!!... I know the patience is running out!!. We are paying for the holy sins of USCIS
I think we all should send letters to OMBUDSMAN/FL/PRESIDENT/USCIS DIrector/Senators....

And we should shout louder..............LOUDER
My take is this: VSC was doing NOTHING with these application. At least TSC is clearing some. And not only that...TSC is clearing the 485's rec'd in 2003-2004 time frame (as VA_LC_CASE, rightly, pointed out). These folks would have sat waaaay longer, had their 485's not xfered to TSC.

Now, my 485 RD is 3/06. So, I must wait. But those who filed earlier should get approval.

Evidently their are'nt many EB1's or 2's with 2004 or before RD's, therefore we are seeing a lot for EB3 approvals.
My take is this: VSC was doing NOTHING with these application.
That may be true. Then when the transfers happened, TSC suddenly got this load of cases for which less work has been done than the 2005/2006 cases already at TSC. If that is the case then it makes sense that TSC would process the transferred cases more slowly, and it would be VSC's fault for being so lazy during retrogression.

Another possibility is that the USCIS is so disorganized, that when TSC received the transferred cases, they didn't know what VSC already did with them. So TSC ended up redoing stuff that was already done by VSC (hence the reports of those second name checks), and the net result is that the case becomes like it was first filed at TSC in March. In that case it is the USCIS (mis)management's fault for not being able to coordinate the two centers and the transition well enough to avoid the duplication of work.

You are a good guy!!... I know the patience is running out!!. We are paying for the holy sins of USCIS
I think we all should send letters to OMBUDSMAN/FL/PRESIDENT/USCIS DIrector/Senators....

And we should shout louder..............LOUDER

Thanks and likewise va_lc. The only issue that I've seen with all of us seeking the legal route to permanent residency and eventual citizenship, is that we're not out marching on the streets of every major US city seeking instant citizenship, so our only recourse is the power of the pen (or the keyboard as the case may be). Please don't consider this as a slam against the Z-visa program or whatever they're cooking up right now, nor against the millions of undocumented workers seeking to better their lives. Its just absolutely insane that they want to consider "fixing immigration" by focusing on the illegal aspect rather than first providing relief to the thousands of us who've been legal and diligently paying taxes. Taxation without representation....gee...isn't that how this great country was born?