Past 5 years residence dates


Registered Users (C)

There is a question on the n-400 form which asks where we have lived in the past five years along with the from and to dates of stay in the place. We changed our address 2 times in the last 7 years and do not have the exact date of when we changed our address - we did not save a copy of AR-11 that we mailed each time we moved. What do we fill in this case? Won't filling an approximate date amount to lying? Is there anyway to find out what dates we filled in the AR-11?

I am pretty sure approximate dates are okay. I have moved 6 times in 5 years and there's no way of having exact dates handy. If you have the month and year right, you will be okay
Just fill in the dates to the best of your knowledge. When you go to the interview, you can tell the officer the dates are approximate. :) The only way I knew my exact dates was because I had kept a file of lease papers.
Residence Dates

One way to find out the dates of your residences is to get a credit report pulled. Apartment offices do credit check at time of lease agreement signing. Those months(dates) show in credit report.
