Passport Stamping done at LA

hs ks

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Hi Guys,

I did my passport stamping at LA today (3/13).

Yesterday I went there at 7:15 am. The address on the approval notice says room 1001. Attorney told us to go to room 2050. She also has pointed to us the correct line in which we need to stand (facing the bldg from Los Angeles street, its the line on the RIGHT). There were about 100-150 people in the queue. They let you in from 7 am. So some more were already in. Our token was 50+. There were two officers. Donno whether they are just plain inefficient or the cases do take so much time to complete. But the token movement was minimal at best. At 11:30 one took off for lunch. At 12, the other left for the day. At 12:40 the first one comes back from lunch and says he can not process many of the cases and sent us back. They had processed until token 35 it seems until then. Dont know how many were sent back.

Today reached INS office at 5:30am. Only two people infront of us. Later a couple of handicapped persons joined us in front. Anyway we were one of the very first. So everything went alright and by 8:15 we were out with the stamp. The same two officers were doing the work. Their work is to get two prints of index finger and two signatures on each side of the I-551 form and fill a few things in the form (name, DOB, A# etc). It took about 15 minutes per person, which I thought was slow, since he was talking to us general stuffs for most of the time.
Only things asked -- Passport, I-94 and photos along with the approval notice. The stamp valid for one year. The guy said, it will take about 10 months to get the green card. I guess (hope) that happens only with some bad luck.

Among the two officers, one is older than the other. The older guy (we got him) is very slow. The other guy is a little faster and also he was seen (yday and today) giving instructions as to what the rights of the permanent residents are, what to do if you move etc. The older guys is only interested in where I worked before, is Bangalore a good place to live, trying to read our signatures etc..

If anybody is going to LA, make sure you stand in the RIGHT line (as mentioned above). There are plenty of parking around. You can park at LA Mall right across the bldg. I heard its expensive there; Moreoever, they were not allowing cars inside yday and today. A security guard was waving people away. There is one on the Temple street, if you take a left on it. Its $6.60 flat rate. But seems to open only after 6am. There is one two blocks down the LA street at 2nd street. $3.25 flat rate.

Now the wait for the Green Card stars. But, happy and very relieved.
Conratulations! ...

...And one more thing...

If u have anymore complaints about life and luck just think of me and u will be glad :)

similar experience for me

I also did PP stamping at LA office. There were only one white officer there working on PP stamping that morning, and he was extremely inefficient. I don\'t know if he was one of the two officers on 3/12 and 13. Anyway, he likes to chat a lot and waste other\'s time. From 7am to 10:30am he only processed 20 people.

Luckily after 10:30 another black officer came and he did the process very fast, about 5min per person. I was number 50 and got my stamp after 11:30am. So I don\'t have to come back again.

Don\'t need to get up early and stand in line to room 1001, that\'s my experience. You can come around 8 or 9 and check if the officer in 2050 is efficient or not. For my case, I got my stamp only 20min after those people who got there around 4am.
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Similar experience, but finally got it stamped.
In my case it all started with just one IIO. He will say the same story to every body. At least for family members he was calling all the member at a shot. Then another officer came around 9. She was soooo slow. Finally it is done.