Passport stamped


Registered Users (C)
Just got back from Newark INS. I reached around 7.45am, and after
an hour of wait in the room 334 (We were let in at The stamping
was a simple process, just asked for passport, 2 photo and old EAD
cards. The officer had made a mistake by writing my wife\'s A# on
to my FP form. When I pointed out this mistake, she immediately
thanked me and corrected the error. Hence, if you are going with
your spouse, please make sure they would not make these simple
mistakes, which may cost us more later. She said, cards will
arrive within 1 year, and told us to write to them if we do not receive
in next 6 months. They know, how to confuse us :)
When you go to INS Newark office, there are two queues, one for
vistors and other for appointments. Make sure you are in the right
If you have any questions, please post. I will definitely hangon this
board for couple of more months.

I wish all of you good luck, and hope all the older applications
of \'98 and early \'99 will see a light at the end of the tunnel soon.
Thanks to Rajeev Khanna for hosting this great site, without
which we would have been in darkness about our application
processing. It is surprising, we still see such an unselfish
person around.
No Title

Thanks India! I am waiting for my approval any time now and I will be going to Newark too. My RFE response was received at the VSC on 6/30. Hopefully the internal audit scheduled for next week will not delay the approval.
No Title

Which line is for passport stamping? visitor or appointment?

My approval notice says that I can go to Newark office on Wed 8 to 12 AM. Did your notice say something like that?
Did you go with courtsey copy only?

I got my approval notice just today. Your guidence will surely help.

No Title

If you go on Wednesday, then you have to stand in appointment line.
Other days, I think you have to use visitor line. The left most line is
appoitment line. Hope, they change the order every day :)

Even my approval notice said the same thing.

I finally got original fedexed (asked, fedex to pickit up
for me, from lawyer\'s office, as they were sitting on it for
3 days without informing/mailing :-( ) .
I saw IIO attach my original 485 approval letter to
the FP form. But not sure, whether they accept
courtest copy. If you do not have in hand, it is worth
trying with a courtesy copy.